Family Best Time >> sitemap >> Page:42:
  • Are smokers more exposed to complications from Covid-19?
  • Covid-19:423 cases in France, Iran and Italy bogged down in fear, update on the epidemic
  • Coronavirus:its animal origin still remains a mystery!
  • Is taking the temperature really effective against the Covid-19 epidemic?
  • Covid-19:people with COPD are the most vulnerable
  • What does the mutation of the Covid-19 coronavirus imply?
  • Eating Fruit During Pregnancy Boosts Babies' Cognitive Development
  • Coronavirus:212 cases and 4 deaths in France, possible mutation of the virus in Iran, update on the epidemic
  • Quarantine is a traumatic experience, study finds
  • Coronavirus:how to make your own hydroalcoholic gel?
  • Covid-19:what would a transition to "stage 3" of the epidemic entail in France?
  • Cannabis compound proves effective in fighting antibiotic resistance
  • Covid-19:130 cases in France, more than 3,000 deaths worldwide, update on the epidemic
  • Drinking cow's milk, good or bad for your health?
  • Covid-19:100 cases in France, establishments closed, events canceled, update on the epidemic
  • Coronavirus:how to wash your hands properly, according to a microbiologist
  • Coronavirus:stage 2 with 57 cases in France, the authorities call to avoid handshakes
  • Total containment:will the French be disciplined enough?
  • Study Says Coronavirus May 'Travel' Farther Than Thought...Before Unpublished
  • Covid-19:record of deaths in France, Italy and Spain, heavy accusations against D. Trump, update on the pandemic
  • How does Covid-19 attack our body?
  • Covid-19:France in stage 3, Spain in almost total quarantine, update on the pandemic
  • Could the coronavirus disappear with spring?
  • Covid-19:10,000 new cases worldwide in 24 hours, 1,200 deaths in Italy, update on the epidemic
  • What is this so-called "third hand" smoke that affects non-smokers?
  • CRISPR:a treatment intended to restore sight being tested!
  • Covid-19:should all of France be quarantined? Doctors warn of worsening epidemic
  • Coronavirus:should we follow South Korea's example?
  • Covid-19:the virus can survive 3 days on plastic and stainless steel
  • Covid-19:Europe at a standstill, more than 1,000 dead in Italy, update on the epidemic
  • Wuhan:a fully robotized hospital service to limit the spread of the coronavirus
  • Covid-19:7,000 new cases worldwide in 24 hours, Macron speaks at 8 p.m., update on the epidemic
  • Covid-19:can domestic or farm animals transmit the virus?
  • Can you catch the Covid-19 coronavirus after touching banknotes?
  • Cold cuts can also cause chronic bronchial disease
  • Covid-19:more than 10,000 cases in Italy, stage 3 close in France, update on the epidemic
  • AI-powered electronic 'nose' to detect form of esophageal cancer
  • Coronavirus:in Lombardy, will doctors have to choose who to save?
  • A system combining AI and microwaves to better prevent breast cancer
  • Does eating eggs increase the risk of heart disease?
  • Covid-19:how can this sea worm help us save lives?
  • The craving for coffee is linked to genetics, but also to the environment!
  • Covid-19:250,000 infected worldwide, millions of lives at stake according to WHO, update on the pandemic
  • Are "homemade" masks effective against coronavirus?
  • Here's how to fight anxiety and depression during confinement
  • Coronavirus:what is the UK playing at?
  • China:the coronavirus epidemic defeated thanks to the confinement and isolation of the sick!
  • Coronavirus:"We have to find them before they find us"
  • An algorithm would be able to detect the coronavirus with an accuracy of 96%!
  • Protective measures and Covid-19:the anger of employees still at work is rising, even in the police
  • Covid-19:health precautions to be observed for home meal deliveries
  • How to donate your body to science?
  • Covid-19:7,800 cases in France, first signs of slowdown in Italy, the United States in full doubt, update on the pandemic
  • Coronavirus:Sub-Saharan Africa is "a ticking time bomb"
  • A Belgian institute claims to have discovered an antibody that can neutralize the coronavirus!
  • Coronavirus:a vaccine tested for the first time in humans
  • The Grenoble University Hospital offers its staff to make fabric masks
  • Covid-19:Europe is closing and confining itself, nearly 180,000 cases worldwide, update on the epidemic
  • Covid-19:can we speak of a "chloroquine scandal" in France?
  • Covid-19:confinement extended until April 15, 100,000 cases in the United States, dramatic assessment in Italy, update on the pandemic
  • Was the Covid-19 already circulating in Italy in November?
  • Covid-19:60,000 new cases and 3,000 dead in 24 hours, possible second wave in China, update on the pandemic
  • Covid-19 could become seasonal, says US expert
  • Have fine particles been an accelerator in the spread of the coronavirus in northern Italy?
  • What is this call for projects launched by the army to fight against Covid-19?
  • Covid-19 may affect the central nervous system, study finds
  • Coronavirus:how to explain the low death rate in Germany?
  • Why do so many epidemics originate in Asia and Africa?
  • Do you know how soap and alcohol manage to destroy Covid-19?
  • Auto giants organize to manufacture artificial respirators
  • Covid-19:almost a third of humanity in confinement, 2000 dead in 24 hours, update on the pandemic
  • Why are people with blood group O better immunized against Covid-19?
  • A possible link between severe coronavirus cases and air pollution
  • The shortage of masks in France, a state scandal?
  • Covid-19:extension of confinement in France, the Olympic Games probably postponed, update on the pandemic
  • Coronavirus:here is the online test that helps you detect the disease
  • Covid-19:launch of a major clinical trial based on chloroquine (but also 4 other treatments)!
  • A Japanese treatment for the flu effective in 91% of a group of cases contaminated with Covid-19
  • Covid-19:1 billion confined and 13,000 dead, Italy is further tightening its measures, update on the pandemic
  • Chloroquine:Professor Raoult also warns against self-medication
  • Coronavirus:can we keep sequelae after recovery?
  • Covid-19:Nearly 1 million cases worldwide and 47,000 deaths, update on the pandemic
  • Chloroquine:a new Chinese study proves Professor Raoult right
  • Covid-19:the White House predicts between 100,000 and 200,000 deaths in the United States
  • Can the coronavirus really be transmitted up to 8 meters?
  • The Covid-19 pandemic is the worst crisis since 1945, says the UN
  • Can the coronavirus spread in hot and humid conditions?
  • Born during the Spanish flu pandemic, a 101-year-old man recovers from Covid-19
  • Covid-19:Decathlon now reserves its diving masks for caregivers
  • Iran:300 people die drinking methanol to beat coronavirus
  • Covid-19:in Dubai, drones disinfect the streets at night!
  • Coronavirus:Sweden offers an unusual response by focusing on self-responsibility
  • Covid-19:possible peak of the epidemic in Italy, 3,000 deaths in France, 160,000 cases in the United States, update on the pandemic
  • Covid-19:Dyson switches from vacuum cleaners to respirators in just 10 days
  • France now wants to screen for Covid-19 on a large scale!
  • Covid-19:this small village in Lombardy resists the virus, and everyone does not know why
  • How bacteria form communities on our tongue
  • Why do we think we had strange dreams the day after a drunken night out?
  • Covid-19:Germany performs around 500,000 tests per week!
  • Towards a global shortage of condoms due to the coronavirus?
  • The SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus was present on the Diamond Princess up to 17 days after the departure of the infected people!
  • Covid-19:Europe between extension of confinement and gradual relaunch of activity, update on the pandemic
  • Covid-19:exasperated, this expert publishes 40 brutal reasons to respect confinement
  • Coronavirus:nearly 100,000 deaths worldwide, update on the pandemic
  • The Covid-19 circulated in New York as early as last February indicate genomic studies
  • According to this report, 2 million French people have already been infected with Covid-19, tens of millions worldwide
  • What if your toilet could analyze your urine and stool?
  • Dermatologists warn of skin symptoms of Covid-19
  • A virtual reality concept to treat social anxiety
  • Activists destroy 5G equipment due to Covid-19 pandemic
  • Covid-19:4 billion people in confinement, more than 10,000 deaths in France and 400,000 cases in the United States, update on the pandemic
  • Covid-19:a researcher thinks that the current crisis is only a taste
  • The epidemic that led to the invention of intensive care
  • How wastewater could help us fight Covid-19
  • Covid-19:when the immune response goes into overdrive
  • Covid-19:France will test the effectiveness of plasma transfusion of cured patients!
  • Coronavirus:nearly 340,000 cases in the United States, a little hope in France and Italy, update on the pandemic
  • Covid-19:this company will produce a billion doses of a vaccine that has not yet been tested on humans!
  • Covid-19:a first effective vaccine in mice!
  • Google shared billions of user data to help fight Covid-19
  • Could Covid-19 spread through simple breathing?
  • Brazil confirms first case of COVID-19 among indigenous peoples
  • Covid-19:nearly 280,000 cases in the United States, more than 6,500 deaths in France, the United Kingdom in bad shape, the point on the pandemic
  • Covid-19:why can't we reuse FFP2 masks?
  • Interactive graph:compare the speed of spread of Covid-19 in each country
  • Dogs are currently being trained to detect Covid-19
  • Copper, the number one enemy of microbes
  • Spirulina:what can be the benefits?
  • Covid-19:Afghan high school girls try to make a cheap ventilator using used auto parts
  • Infographic:the deadliest pandemics in human history through time
  • Covid-19:a national study on asymptomatic contamination in China
  • What if the Covid-19 epidemic had started in September 2019 and elsewhere than in Wuhan?
  • Covid-19:the reopening of schools on May 11, "an absolute lack of logic" for the president of the Order of Physicians
  • Covid-19:116 cases of reinfection in South Korea, researchers wonder
  • In Africa, 3 million people could die from Covid-19, warns WHO
  • According to a pulmonologist, "if everyone wears a cloth mask, then it will be as effective as wearing an FFP2 mask"
  • Covid-19:bad news for the herd immunity strategy!
  • Covid-19:the "P4 of Wuhan", this virology laboratory funded by France
  • This hacker is releasing more than 5,000 documents related to coronavirus research
  • How antivaccines react to Covid-19
  • SARS-CoV-2 made from the AIDS virus? The controversial thesis
  • Covid-19:according to a study, Spain is the least safe country in Europe
  • Lack of income, this zoo considered killing animals to feed others
  • Coronavirus:nearly 30,000 deaths in the United States, France questions deconfinement, update on the pandemic
  • NASA and ESA make their satellites available to fight Covid-19
  • How could a pharmaceutical company spread Covid-19 to the United States?
  • Covid-19:an autonomous car to take the temperature of passers-by in China
  • Covid-19:promising tocilizumab to fight cytokine storms
  • 50 years ago, the Hong Kong flu killed a million people
  • Covid-19:a graph to visualize the most exposed professions
  • Covid-19:210,000 dead worldwide, an encouraging clinical trial, update on the pandemic
  • Why the next great pandemic could come to us from the Amazon
  • Here are the recommendations of the Scientific Council for deconfinement
  • United States:many calls about the ingestion of disinfectant after the declaration of Donald Trump
  • Confinement:how to maintain your vitamin D intake?
  • Iceland and its people, a perfect "laboratory" for the fight against Covid-19?
  • Covid-19:how is the Amish community coping with the crisis?
  • Covid-19:what does the first sero-epidemiological study in France say?
  • Covid-19:wastewater treatment plant employees work in difficult conditions
  • China:a major city placed in quarantine due to Covid-19
  • Remdesivir:the clinical trial of the antiviral conducted in China is a failure
  • Spreading of pesticides near homes:10 NGOs seize the Council of State urgently
  • Covid-19:what is this mysterious drug developed in Madagascar?
  • Covid-19:the disease causes systemic vascular inflammation that can damage all organs
  • Covid-19:the appeal of the Academy of Medicine, nearly a million cases in the United States, update on the epidemic
  • Bill Gates at the heart of a conspiratorial spiral linked to Covid-19!
  • Covid-19 could trigger 'multiple famines of biblical proportions', warns UN
  • Many Americans are poisoning themselves trying to kill the coronavirus
  • Does air humidity play a role in the spread of Covid-19?
  • Covid-19:why did the skin of these Wuhan doctors turn dark?
  • In Hong Kong, mysterious rat hepatitis E continues to spread
  • Covid-19:an amazing experiment shows the speed with which the virus spreads during a meal!
  • The Covid-19 gives off a particular odor detectable by dogs!
  • Covid-19:In Singapore, voluntary tracing turns into mass surveillance
  • Covid-19:according to a study, patient zero appeared at the earliest in October 2019
  • Containment:the French have gained weight and have made love less!
  • Coronavirus detected in semen of infected men
  • Covid-19:in the United Kingdom, scientists do not agree on the usefulness of masks
  • In the 1950s, the "Asian flu" killed at least 1 million people
  • With chlorpromazine, researchers want to lock Covid-19 in a "chemical straightjacket"
  • Covid-19 're-infection' cases were false positives, WHO says
  • Map of the tiger mosquito:more than half of France in red vigilance
  • Covid-19:researchers estimate that the pandemic could last up to 2 years!
  • Intensive farming could be the breeding ground for the next major pandemics
  • Covid-19:llama antibodies, a new avenue of treatment
  • In Dubai, the police use smart helmets to take the temperature of the population
  • Michelin has developed a protective mask that can be reused 100 times!
  • Covid-19:the city of Cannes implements mask-wearing detection technology
  • We can now relieve patients thanks to medical hypnosis in virtual reality
  • The Covid-19 was already circulating freely in France in mid-January, say researchers
  • Covid-19:researchers think they can finalize a vaccine for the month of September!
  • SARS-CoV-2:This is what a "viral shedding" looks like under a microscope
  • In the midst of the Covid-19 crisis, manufacturers can change the composition of food without informing you
  • British health services warn of a syndrome close to Covid-19 which affects children
  • How Nvidia's New AI Wants to Make Hospitals Smart
  • Can you catch Covid-19 by swimming in the sea?
  • Why are seasonal allergies constantly increasing?
  • What Pain Can Hypnosis Treat?
  • An experiment conducted on hamsters proves the effectiveness of masks against Covid-19
  • Covid-19:the order book for crime scene cleaners is full!
  • How do breathing exercises help manage stress?
  • Covid-19:the FBI accuses China of counterintelligence
  • Covid-19 still present in the body 5 days after death
  • Covid-19:"tourist corridors" in Europe to save the long summer holidays?
  • To better control a robot-surgeon, these doctors receive electrical impulses in the fingers
  • Can open source medicine help us prepare for future pandemics?
  • Have men's beards evolved to absorb punches?
  • Covid-19:Missouri to execute inmate while respecting social distancing
  • Who will benefit first from the Covid-19 vaccine?
  • SARS-CoV-2 and pangolins, a new study sheds light on us
  • What if we used UV-C ultraviolet lamps to disinfect public places?
  • The list of Covid-19 symptoms keeps growing
  • Hydroxychloroquine:two new studies contest its effectiveness against Covid-19
  • Novel coronavirus may 'never go away', warns WHO
  • Covid-19:a vaccine against tuberculosis could be effective
  • Bill Gates regrets not having done more to warn us of the risk of a pandemic
  • A close relative of SARS-CoV-2 found in bats
  • Covid-19:who is patient zero in Europe?
  • Covid-19:what is this saliva screening test planned for this summer?
  • Sharing your computing power can help in the search for a treatment against Covid-19!
  • How can tobacco help research against Covid-19?
  • Welcome to the future! This anti-Covid-19 suit allows you to dance, drink and vape without risk
  • Hard week? Relax in this onsen in virtual reality!
  • The Covid-19 vaccine may never arrive
  • A 90% effective antibody against Covid-19 discovered by a Taiwanese team?
  • According to a study, self-diagnosis on the Web only works in a third of cases!
  • French researchers are studying a new, unknown disease linked to bats
  • A study confirms the risks linked to Alzheimer's in case of excess aluminum
  • Fitbit watches could soon detect Covid-19 even before symptoms appear
  • AIDS:Cabotegravir, a "revolution" in prevention!
  • Soon a patch to monitor vitamin C levels in sweat?
  • Covid-19:they create a biodegradable mask to avoid plastic pollution
  • In the United States, blacks and whites unequal in the face of the risks linked to Covid-19!
  • Infographic:the impact of the tobacco industry on the environment
  • COVID-19:what if part of the population was already immunized without even having been in contact with the virus?
  • A fabric patented in France would be able to eliminate the coronavirus
  • The early emergence of extreme wet temperatures intolerable to humans
  • Blue light from screens could also be bad for the skin!
  • Soon a fine of 300 euros for throwing a mask in the street?
  • Researchers want to use CRISPR-Cas9 to make cats hypoallergenic
  • Researchers unveil the "Covid-score" for better deconfinement
  • Here is the very first fully functional artificial red blood cell!
  • Discovery:some chimpanzees have a bone in their heart
  • Taiwan:here is the "knife massage", an ancient practice!
  • Covid-19:double lung transplant on a seriously affected young patient!
  • According to a new study, Covid-19 is seasonal
  • Camouflage:they managed to make human cells "transparent"
  • New Zealand claims its clear victory over the Covid-19!
  • Eggs prefer some men's sperm to others
  • According to a new study, the Covid-19 appeared in China during the summer of 2019!
  • This researcher invents a taste simulator that can help with health!
  • Nicotine helps lung cancer spread to the brain
  • Covid-19:China does not yet have a vaccine but has already built laboratories for its future production
  • Covid-19:a company disinfecting FFP2 masks has become extremely rich
  • In Japan, a city bans the use of smartphones while walking
  • A great step towards a bionic eye as sensitive as the human retina!
  • Taxing junk food to encourage healthier eating?
  • Miniature human livers successfully transplanted into rats
  • According to a study, fear alters the shape of DNA in the brains of mice!
  • The Lancet deletes the study on hydroxychloroquine after the retraction of its authors!
  • Hydroxychloroquine:after a clarification from The Lancet, the WHO announces a resumption of clinical trials
  • Covid-19:a few "superspreaders" responsible for the majority of contamination?
  • Doctors offer to fight "frozen shoulder" with balls in the arteries!
  • Can mosquitoes transmit Covid-19? A study closes the debate
  • Donating your body to science for crash tests, soon impossible in France?
  • A new virus with pandemic potential in humans discovered in China
  • We finally know why Covid-19 sometimes causes loss of smell
  • Magnesium deficiencies would increase the risk of premature birth
  • Covid-19:up to 8.5% of infected patients do not develop any antibodies!
  • The father of the Segway wants to create an organ factory!
  • Why sun and hydroalcoholic gel do not mix
  • Drones release sterile mosquitoes to stop the spread of certain diseases
  • Covid-19:why you should close the toilet bowl before flushing
  • A well-known mind-altering substance could "switch off" the brain!
  • Covid-19:what did the French dream of during confinement?
  • Vietnam:a parasitic worm that has almost disappeared has resurfaced!
  • Diabetes:a connected glove to continuously measure blood sugar levels
  • Will virtual reality damage users' eyesight?
  • Confinement:nearly 9 out of 10 French people suffered from back pain
  • Covid-19:what is dexamethasone that could save 30% of the most serious cases?
  • Covid-19:this simulation shows us how important wearing a mask is on the plane
  • The editor of The Lancet explains the withdrawal of the study on hydroxychloroquine and speaks of failure for science
  • Covid-19:this start-up has created a transparent and ecological mask!
  • Artificial intelligence at the heart of research funded by the World Anti-Doping Agency!
  • Covid-19:Millionaires ask to be taxed more "to heal the world"
  • Researchers have developed a hydrogel to replace knee cartilage!
  • Infographic Covid-19:when will we return to normal daily life?
  • Is a deadly new virus really spreading in Kazakhstan?
  • In one hour, 50% of the things we have learned are forgotten!
  • Covid-19:a new antibody binds to an unexpected area of ​​the virus!
  • A patient is pregnant with four children in two different wombs!
  • SARS-CoV-2 back in Paris wastewater
  • What effects of CBD have been scientifically studied?
  • Is this plant really able to erase the taste of sugar?
  • Nanomaterials in food:ANSES wants to investigate
  • Could the coronavirus cause painful and persistent erections?
  • Can an algorithm predict the next moves of the Covid-19 pandemic?
  • A new case of bubonic plague confirmed in Inner Mongolia
  • 239 researchers alert on the transmission of the coronavirus in the air
  • In Aisne, residents say they have "wind syndrome". What is it about ?
  • Launch of a study to check if salt water can help fight Covid-19
  • When the simple act of cooking can harm our health
  • Covid-19:they determined the best mask configuration to deal with the virus
  • Do we wash too often?
  • Americans spend nearly 44 years of their lives in front of screens!
  • The elimination of dead neurons by the brain filmed for the first time
  • Covid-19:a small Italian town had more than 40% infected without symptoms
  • First Covid-19 vaccine approved in China for military use
  • MIT is developing a reusable silicone face mask!
  • Are the meshes of surgical masks too large for SARS-CoV-2? A physicist and a doctor respond
  • Dogs detect Covid-19 with a 94% success rate
  • Covid-19:the photo of a victim that has gone viral shows the denial in Indonesia!
  • The Vikings already suffered from smallpox 1,400 years ago
  • A study identifies a link between fear and anxiety in the brain!
  • United States:when the fax slows down the response to the Covid-19 epidemic!
  • When to sterilize your dog to reduce its health problems?
  • Covid-19:"facilitating" antibodies causing a second, more serious infection?
  • Each human ingests up to 5 grams of plastic per week without knowing it!
  • Does prolonged wearing of the mask cause a lack of oxygen supply?
  • Since April, Russian elites have benefited from an experimental vaccine against Covid-19
  • How do you live without any sense of direction?
  • Coronavirus:why men wear masks less than women
  • Food allergy or intolerance:what are the differences?
  • Covid-19:an Israeli doctor tested positive three months after a first recovery
  • What happens in the brain of people who practice meditation?
  • Covid-19:what if we were vaccinated nasally?
  • Covid-19:encouraging results for phase 1 of the Moderna vaccine trial
  • Covid-19:they propose to inject "nano-sponges" in patients to stop infections!
  • Covid-19:pregnant women could transmit the virus to their child
  • Surgeons carry out an operation from 15 km away thanks to 5G
  • After his assault, this man became a mathematical genius!
  • A promising cancer vaccine in preclinical trials
  • Russia has developed the 'first' coronavirus vaccine, Vladimir Putin announces
  • Covid-19:the visor more effective than the mask?
  • For centuries, humans have been mistaken about the movement of spermatozoa.
  • Should we regulate the use of laughing gas, nitrous oxide?
  • What if this ancient potion from the Middle Ages became the antibiotic of the future?
  • A study specifies the origin of armpit odor!
  • Baby boomers are experiencing greater cognitive decline than previous generations
  • A French laboratory is preparing a vaccine against Lyme disease for 2025
  • Some oysters contain plastic, kerosene and even infant formula
  • SARS-CoV-2 has been circulating in bats for at least 40 years!
  • What if cinnamon could improve blood sugar levels in prediabetic individuals?
  • Covid-19:Scientists Test 'Homemade Vaccine' On Themselves!
  • Psychology:What are the effects of rude or aggressive emails?
  • What is the Glasgow Coma Scale, used to assess the severity of a coma
  • Anxiety and pain:what are the effects of CBD?
  • Our immune system could have a hard time dealing with microorganisms from other planets!
  • Covid-19:they are developing a smart mask connected to your smartphone
  • Covid-19:far fewer premature births during confinement!
  • Why should you avoid reusing sunscreen year after year?
  • In France, approximately one child in 30 is conceived through medically assisted procreation
  • What if social isolation was good for health?
  • Why does brain research ignore left-handed people?
  • Covid-19:when fake news on masks and vaccines invade social networks
  • Covid-19:psychopathy and narcissism linked to distrust of preventive measures
  • A promising new drug to fight asthma
  • This futuristic motorcycle helmet promises to save lives!
  • Polio is officially eradicated from the African continent, according to WHO
  • Aspirin would increase the risk of cancer progression in seniors
  • Researchers want to use caiman tears for medical purposes
  • Old radiators, a weapon in the fight against the Covid-19 pandemic?
  • Even a small amount of caffeine can harm the fetus during pregnancy
  • Researchers announce the world's first proven case of coronavirus reinfection
  • Covid-19:in Namibia, we warn against treatment with elephant dung!
  • What if in the future, smartphones could detect drunkenness?
  • Meditation would be dangerous for some people
  • Micro and nanoplastics detected in human tissue for the first time!
  • Covid-19:researchers have discovered a weak point in the coronavirus!
  • Canada authorizes the use of psilocybin, the mind-altering substance in hallucinogenic mushrooms
  • According to a study, human activities increase the risk of a pandemic!
  • An online self-help program to help insomniacs!
  • According to a study, botox would have antidepressant effects!
  • Sleep paralysis, a surprising disorder!
  • Covid-19:how to hug others without risk in the current context?
  • Why should we take cold showers more often?
  • China:a village placed in isolation because of the bubonic plague!
  • What will happen when the flu meets Covid-19?
  • Why are we protected for life against certain diseases, but not against others?
  • Designers imagine new airplane cabins adapted to pandemics!
  • Covid-19:how to distribute vaccines fairly around the world?
  • The "gut brain" regulates blood sugar independent of the central nervous system!
  • Individual avatars, the future of medical interventions?
  • Covid-19:encouraging preliminary results for the Russian vaccine
  • Here's another reason to cut down on ultra-processed foods
  • Covid-19:a new study supports the thesis of airborne transmission
  • Covid-19:this farmer has developed a natural and non-polluting disinfectant
  • Colon cancer rates in young people are on the rise
  • Will we ever be able to cure alcoholism with fecal transplants?
  • Covid-19:an 80% effective vaccine could defeat the pandemic!
  • Covid-19:airports could look like gigantic casinos!
  • At home or in the office, what is the ideal room temperature?
  • International survey:three out of four people say they want to be vaccinated against Covid-19
  • A company has created a next-generation baby milk that's closer to breast milk
  • Discovery:bee venom kills breast cancer cells
  • Does singing spread the coronavirus more than speaking?
  • How to relieve muscle pain related to telework?
  • Wearing a mask causes bad breath, say dentists
  • Covid-19:would the immune response be stronger in women?
  • Covid-19:a new case of reinfection "more serious" than the first
  • Our body assimilates drugs better at certain times of the day
  • Honey, more effective than antibiotics against the common cold?
  • COVID-19:obesity doubles the risk of death
  • The fattest man in the world in 2017 defeated the coronavirus!
  • At Helsinki airport, dogs are deployed to detect Covid-19
  • An NGO warns of the role of smartphones and WiFi in insect mortality
  • Covid-19:wearing glasses could reduce the risk of infection
  • Covid-19:persistent fatigue is common, long after recovery
  • Covid-19 threatens children's education at risk globally
  • In China, this architect imagined a self-sufficient "post-Covid" district!
  • Psychiatrist tests drug to treat stuttering
  • Intended to facilitate the movement of doctors, the Emergency Bikes land in Paris!
  • A new study brings hope for peanut allergy sufferers
  • Why is language recovery from brain injury better in children?
  • Nutri-Score:the lowest rated products are well associated with an increased risk of mortality
  • In China, bacteria responsible for brucellosis escaped from a lab last summer
  • Hair coloring linked to the appearance of cancer?
  • Amazing New Materials Could Be In The Air Conditioners And Refrigerators Of The Future
  • Researchers have created a new brain-computer interface to empower paralyzed patients
  • Covid-19:China vaccinated 100,000 citizens without waiting for the end of the trials!
  • Covid-19 and collective immunity:the number of people affected would be higher than estimated
  • Why and in what dose is chocolate dangerous for your dog?
  • Launch of a platform allowing everyone to participate in the surveillance of Sars-CoV-2
  • According to a study, staying up late hurts productivity!
  • Covid:a lab suspends the trials of its vaccine after the bad reaction of a patient
  • What will be the next diseases to be overcome after polio?
  • This is the cheapest hearing aid in the world!
  • Covid-19:lip balm could be a good ally against the virus
  • Covid:Can the virus really "survive 28 days" on certain surfaces?
  • Stem cells may play a key role in hair loss
  • Will we ever be able to cure osteoarthritis? New studies keep hope alive
  • United States:world's second case of a new virus, "Alaskan pox"
  • Thousands of sharks may have to die in the fight against Covid-19
  • Covid-19:they discover a new transmission mechanism for SARS-CoV-2
  • One more proof that man is not done with evolution
  • Covid-19 nasal test caused patient to leak cerebrospinal fluid
  • Does menopause kill women's libido?
  • Covid-19:what treatment did Donald Trump receive?
  • Covid-19:a hypothetical third wave synonymous with neurological disorders
  • In California, clean air is a luxury at the heart of a big business
  • Study warns there are likely two types of Parkinson's
  • Covid-19:how to travel more serenely in public transport?
  • In France, the benefits of sophrology have been the subject of several studies
  • A brain-eating amoeba contaminates drinking water in Texas!
  • Covid-19:Neanderthal genes favor severe forms of the disease
  • Covid-19:China has designed the fastest test machine in the world!
  • Covid-19:this start-up says it has a better solution than a classic vaccine
  • Covid-19:in Africa, the WHO is in favor of finding solutions in traditional medicine
  • Weight training first strengthens the nervous system, study finds
  • Covid-19:the black market for testing kits on the dark web
  • Covid-19:does wearing a mask have an effect on our gas exchanges?
  • This AI-based test detects SARS-CoV-2 in five minutes!
  • Covid-19:humidity would reduce aerosol contamination
  • This pig coronavirus could infect humans, study finds
  • Cannabidiol oil:properties, dosage and legal framework
  • Covid-19:do omega-3s have a preventive role in the most serious form of the disease?
  • A French study could change things for type 2 diabetes
  • Activating a gene could restore sight!
  • Covid-19:are O blood groups less exposed to the disease?
  • Covid-19:China would vaccinate en masse in one of its provinces!
  • Researchers have piloted micro-robots into colons
  • Wasp venom to fight antibiotic resistance?
  • Discovery of a new organ hidden in the center of the human head
  • Meet Sentinel, a force feedback device for motorcycles
  • Green Monday:a day without meat or fish would have an impact on the carbon footprint!
  • Mental health during adolescence affects adulthood, study finds
  • How many organs are there in the human body?
  • Tobacco:smoking affects the placenta of women even if it was interrupted before pregnancy
  • Covid-19:this is how the robot-dog Spot is fighting the pandemic
  • Covid-19:the disease could also make you deaf!
  • In the United States, students voluntarily catch Covid to sell their plasma
  • Irregular menstrual cycle is a risk factor for premature death, study finds
  • Does belly fat increase the risk of dying prematurely?
  • What should be the composition of an effective hydroalcoholic gel? Response with Kleengel
  • Why is our body temperature dropping?
  • Covid-19:why is the pangolin no longer on the agenda?
  • United States:According to the FBI, several hospitals are victims of ransomware attacks
  • An algorithm deprived black patients of a kidney transplant
  • In all discretion, Finland seems to have led a victorious fight against the coronavirus
  • Covid-19:'purple swollen toe' may be one more symptom
  • Who is this "Black Alien" adept at extreme body transformations?
  • Thanks to an AI, coughing into a smartphone would be enough to detect Covid-19!
  • Covid-19:the track of the laboratory accident still relevant to explain the origin of the virus
  • During confinement, many health professionals tested telemedicine
  • Covid-19:concern about the rapid spread of a new strain of the virus in Europe
  • Covid-19:the virus could cause cognitive decline equivalent to ten years
  • Babies ingest over a million microplastics from baby bottles!
  • Covid-19:can mouthwashes have a preventive role?
  • The TousAntiCovid application is a success, but suffers from incompatibility with old smartphones
  • Diets based on meat and dairy products increase the risk of cancer
  • Daycare:greener play areas boost children's immune systems
  • What are the proven health benefits of mate?
  • Watching nature documentaries has a positive effect on well-being
  • New hope for a treatment for male infertility
  • Electronic cigarette:undeniable short-term benefits
  • Covid-19:Moderna announces 94.5% effective vaccine
  • They want to connect the human brain to a computer through the veins!
  • Why should you avoid throwing your batteries in the trash?
  • Covid-19:'abnormal cells' causing lung damage
  • How to cook rice to eliminate its arsenic while retaining its nutrients?
  • Measles killed at least 200,000 people worldwide in 2019
  • Covid-19:children would produce less varied antibodies than those of adults
  • Covid-19:Where is the virus spreading the most?
  • Hold-Up:a successful documentary claims to unveil a global conspiracy around Covid-19
  • Tobacco:quitting before age 40 greatly reduces the risk of contracting cardiovascular disease
  • Covid-19:researchers identify a promising synthetic mini antibody!
  • 16% of those infected with Covid-19 have only intestinal disorders
  • Is it possible to consume expired medicines?
  • Don't get addicted to nasal spray!
  • Researchers identify new 'hidden' gene in SARS-CoV-2
  • Covid-19:Brazil suspends Chinese vaccine trials after 'serious incident'
  • Covid-19:Everything you need to know about Pfizer's vaccine
  • Present in certain cosmetics, titanium dioxide nanoparticles cross the barrier of the placenta
  • This start-up can simulate indoor air quality right from the design of a building!
  • COVID-19 vaccine '90% effective' in phase 3 trial
  • Covid-19:a link between severe forms of the disease and vitamin D deficiency!
  • The vital points of the human body, myth or reality?
  • This man almost froze to death when he got out of his shower. How is it possible ?
  • Covid-19:a "space helmet" instead of a mask to protect yourself?
  • How does the adult brain react to learning a new language?
  • A revolutionary mask to eliminate excess alcohol faster!
  • Does magnetism to treat pain have a scientific basis?
  • Sport:12 minutes of intense exercise is enough to make a difference
  • Could global warming affect pregnancies?
  • Common antidepressant inhibits cancer growth in mice
  • SARS-CoV-2 relative isolated from frozen bats in Cambodia
  • Covid-19:what do we know about the 70% effective AstraZeneca vaccine?
  • Covid-19:this Australian region was confined after the lie of a pizza maker
  • Hallucinogenic mushrooms would be 4 times more effective than antidepressants
  • Covid-19:what are the most risky everyday situations?
  • Children's urine contains many carcinogenic nanoparticles
  • Covid-19:a possible third wave in early 2021 fears a WHO official
  • The return of the Chapare virus worries in Bolivia
  • Vaccines and treatments:A hundred countries request the suspension of intellectual property in times of pandemic
  • Covid-19:is containment an enemy of our memory?
  • Covid-19:Pfizer is preparing a powder version of its vaccine
  • Monopolization of vaccines by rich countries could lead to twice as many deaths as equitable distribution
  • Covid-19:are people already infected permanently immune?
  • Preventing future pandemics would save a lot of money!
  • Disabling this gene would reduce appetite and make you want to play sports
  • In fashion, intermittent fasting would carry certain risks
  • The consumption of walnuts, hazelnuts and almonds improves the quality of sperm
  • Is the Russian vaccine really more effective than that of Pfizer?
  • Messenger RNA vaccines:a revolution for cancer research?
  • Bulgaria:concern about poor air quality in the midst of a pandemic
  • Where could the next pandemic start from?
  • This is Seattle 2030, a "post-pandemic tower" concept
  • Homeless people affected by a disease of the First World War!
  • A promising drug to treat people with dwarfism
  • This promising treatment could cure tinnitus, study finds
  • A French hospital tries to understand the "Covid long"
  • This baby comes from an embryo frozen for 27 years!
  • A mysterious disease has recently appeared in India
  • Covid-19:researchers want to detect the virus by listening to you breathe
  • At 90, she becomes the first person in the world to receive an approved Covid-19 vaccine
  • This company offers a 99.9% effective virucidal mask!
  • A very first drug to treat progeria!
  • UN removes cannabis from list of most dangerous drugs
  • Covid-19:25% of people lose their antibodies in less than three months
  • Covid-19:more than 12,000 mutations, but none would be dangerous
  • Health:This biocompatible spray turns small objects into "airship robots"!
  • Covid-19:mink carrying the virus escape to Denmark and raise fears of animal contamination
  • A baby was born with antibodies against Covid-19
  • Covid-19:according to a study, if 70% of the population wore a mask, the pandemic would be stopped!
  • Covid-19:they created a portable air purifier for small areas!
  • Scotland, first nation to make sanitary protection free
  • Why does France refuse to install air purifiers in classrooms?
  • Humidity at home:how to find healthy air in winter?
  • Why does Germany have "vaccinodromes" and France does not?
  • Covid-19:Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine authorized in the UK could bring a lot
  • This incredible experiment proved the existence of the circadian clock in humans
  • Does hot milk really make you sleep better?
  • Autism:A larger than average brain increases the risk of a lower IQ
  • Researchers develop innovative gene therapy to restore sight
  • Why is baby's first breath so important?
  • Germany:a blunder concerning the Pfizer vaccine recalls the challenge of its logistics
  • This genetically modified pig is the first approved for medical use
  • SARS-CoV-2 'will be with us for the next 10 years' says BioNTech CEO
  • Covid-19:a cocktail of antibodies being studied promises immediate immunity
  • Covid-19:this system allows you to know the ideal time to change your mask
  • Meet Epidemic Babel, the emergency healthcare skyscraper
  • Covid-19:first cases reported in Antarctica
  • What are the solutions to get rid of bed bugs?
  • Should we rather live in the city or in the countryside for a better life expectancy?
  • Keeping a diary during a pandemic would be beneficial
  • Test your heart health by climbing the stairs!
  • According to a study, seniors are more likely to have surgery on their surgeon's birthday!
  • E-Cigarette Flavors May Alter Heart Cells
  • This portable device can diagnose skin cancer!
  • Disturbed sleep in teens increases risk of depression in adulthood
  • Covid-19:what are the places where the virus is spreading the most in France?
  • Covid-19:the President of Turkmenistan evokes licorice as a remedy!
  • Covid-19:Honda wants to equip its vehicles with an "anti-virus mask"!
  • Our pursuit of happiness will always remain imperfect and that’s okay!
  • Covid-19:"cheating" the virus, a solution to treat patients?
  • What is Dupuytren's disease, mainly affecting Icelanders?
  • Covid-19:immunity after infection could last at least 8 months!
  • Food:how many GMOs are authorized in France?
  • Cholesterol levels decrease in the west but increase in the east
  • Covid-19:Moderna, a company castigated for its greed!
  • Covid-19:the virus would continue to replicate up to 35 hours after death
  • Covid-19:what we learn from the experience of a test concert with a screened audience
  • Covid-19:putting on a used mask is more dangerous than wearing nothing
  • Why do we sweat "profusely" under stress?
  • COVID:herd immunity will not yet be reached in 2021, says WHO
  • Covid-19:a new variant of the coronavirus discovered in Japan
  • Covid-19:after a false start to the WHO investigation in China, everything seems to be working out!
  • Cancer cells in a 'dormant' state to survive chemotherapy
  • A new non-invasive method to explore the interior of the human body
  • Study:brown fat would be an ally of choice against chronic diseases
  • A promising new vaccine in the test phase against tuberculosis
  • Covid-19:a man almost died after drinking five liters of water!
  • This 9-year-old girl is the first official victim of air pollution in the UK
  • Pfizer vaccine:allergic shock affects 1 in 100,000 people
  • In a coma for ten months, he wakes up without knowing anything about the pandemic
  • Bacteria that change shape to avoid antibiotics
  • Covid-19:will the crisis end thanks to the Johnson &Johnson vaccine?
  • Covid-19:what should or should not be done before and after getting vaccinated?
  • Vaccines have saved 37 million children's lives since 2000
  • Aging of the skin:how to explain the appearance of wrinkles?
  • Walking in an urban or rural environment does not have the same effects on the body and the mind
  • Covid-19:to organize the return of the public to the rooms, Dassault is carrying out an air flow simulation
  • Working in your bedroom would be harmful for sleep and sexuality
  • South Korean company presents radar technology capable of monitoring our health
  • Hallucinogenic mushrooms have "grown" in his blood!
  • These diets can damage our physical and mental health
  • Can our body be satisfied with 1,200 calories a day?
  • For pain, should we consume cannabis rather than paracetamol?
  • CES 2021:a French company invents glasses to fight against motion sickness
  • Study:South African variant may bypass immunity in some people
  • Why Covid-19 could eventually become a simple cold
  • Is drinking coffee on an empty stomach bad for your health?
  • Here are the mistakes too often made when wearing a mask
  • Covid-19:hackers would have released a falsified version of stolen Pfizer files
  • Covid-19:the virus can also infect neurons, confirms a study
  • A clinical trial a source of hope for Alzheimer's patients
  • In Bangladesh, the members of this family are devoid of fingerprints
  • This singing program teaches "Covid long" patients to breathe
  • Covid-19:the pandemic would promote hair loss
  • Covid-19:when a public health agency recommended masturbation
  • This AI created totally artificial human DNA
  • Depressed people who have committed suicide all have at least one thing in common
  • Why does the HAS recommend a single dose of vaccine for former coronavirus patients?
  • Pollen:climate change prolongs allergy season
  • Stroke:what are the main warning signs?
  • Covid-19:we diligently follow health measures only if others do the same
  • Cannabis:what is cannabigerol or CBG?
  • This app can "replace" your psychotherapist between appointments
  • What is brown fat and what is its role in our weight?
  • Covid-19:a first biodegradable surgical mask approved in France
  • They perform a double hand and face transplant using 3D printing
  • We finally know one of the causes of irritable bowel syndrome
  • Global:Fossil fuel pollution causes one in five deaths
  • Trouble sleeping in a new place? Behold the "first night effect"!
  • Covid-19:A graph shows why coronavirus variants are a concern
  • Florida:a hacker almost poisoned the drinking water of a city of 15,000 inhabitants!
  • Wuhan:the laboratory track deemed "highly improbable" by the WHO
  • Researchers unveil a micro-robot for more precision in "minimally invasive surgery"!
  • The nap in aging people helps to better preserve their cognitive abilities!
  • Female breast cancer becomes the most diagnosed in the world
  • Xylazine, the new "street drug" in the United States?
  • How to prevent earphone-induced hearing loss?
  • Rare disease:cluster headache, a real hell for patients
  • WHO thinks it knows where COVID-19 came from
  • From scuba diving to medicine:can these hyperbaric chambers treat wrinkles?
  • Is wearing a mask during a sports session bad for your health?
  • Food:these scandalous industrial practices
  • How did this patient's ear turn into "cooked apple jelly"?
  • Rokitansky syndrome:these women born without a uterus and without a vagina
  • What are the differences between CBD oil and flowers?
  • The smartphone, a real disaster for sleep!
  • Covid-19:1,300 clubbers gathered for a test evening in Amsterdam!
  • Hair transplant:how does it work?
  • To be healthy, do you have to eat meat?
  • Researchers unveil technique to imprint bones in patients' bodies
  • A phone call of a few minutes would reduce the loneliness of people
  • Can't concentrate in the car without music?
  • A disease detector as powerful as a dog's truffle!
  • Covid-19:they are the first non-human primates to be vaccinated
  • Cesium-137 detected in the Sahara sand cloud that crossed France
  • The smell of new cars is carcinogenic according to a study
  • How to limit the damage of coffee on our teeth?
  • Covid-19:a large study confirms the effectiveness of the Pfizer vaccine
  • Electronic cigarette:recent studies and position of the French health authorities
  • How to explain the drop in the number of premature babies during the pandemic?
  • Women's physical pain undervalued due to gender bias
  • Triphallia (or triple penis):a first case reported in humans
  • Covid-19:what if we made the Moderna vaccine at home?
  • Covid-19, an aggravating factor in dental health
  • Here are three cases that have strongly contributed to the mistrust of the French towards vaccines
  • Autism:we can help children gain empathy thanks to cats
  • They invent an AI-powered backpack to help the visually impaired get around
  • This woman shed tears of blood during her period!
  • Childhood cancer:a new strategic discovery
  • Promising results from a brain tumor vaccine
  • Bacteria love microplastics and that's really bad news
  • Covid-19:these scientists suggest wearing a "nose mask" at mealtimes
  • Drinking strong coffee 30 minutes before exercise increases fat burning
  • Why should you avoid wearing an elastic band that is too tight around the wrist?
  • The ingenious surgery that saved the world's smartest man
  • Covid-19:ultrasound to overcome the coronavirus?
  • Eating processed meat may increase dementia risk
  • Pfizer begins testing its vaccine in children
  • Introducing Deep Time, a 40-day “out of time” experience!
  • Covid-19:a vaccine-pill will soon begin its first clinical trials
  • They manage to boost molecular farming with vitamin C
  • There have never been so many twins born as today!
  • This patient gave off a strong odor every time he blew his nose!
  • Is 5G dangerous for health? Two studies deliver their conclusions
  • Chernobyl:the DNA of the children of liquidators has no more mutations than the others
  • Covid-19:according to a study, swimming pool water kills the virus in 30 seconds
  • How the small kingdom of Bhutan managed to vaccinate its population
  • Covid-19:a "triple mutant" variant discovered in India
  • Covid-19:Brazilian authorities advise women to delay pregnancy
  • Covid-19:should we really worry about the Brazilian variant?
  • Cuddle baby for better empathy in adulthood!
  • These researchers artificially reproduce the structure of mucus!
  • Stay in your clouds, reverie can be good
  • Oceans:more than 90% of microorganism species remain to be studied
  • The Amazon, an important breeding ground for current and future drugs
  • A third of coronavirus survivors have psychological or neurological disorders
  • What if Crohn's disease was caused by bacteria?
  • Physical inactivity would cause more than 4 million direct victims each year
  • These viruses could trigger the next pandemic
  • Covid-19:has the severity of the epidemic in France been overestimated?
  • A mother gave birth to twins conceived weeks apart!
  • What are the impacts of social isolation on our brain?
  • They discover an antibody capable of regenerating teeth!
  • Stress would be a source of aggravation of allergies!
  • 'Zombie genes' grow in the brain after death
  • Covid-19:periods of isolation lasting no more than 50 days would be ineffective
  • Covid19 tests:what reimbursement to expect from social security and mutual insurance?
  • What are the best foods for the brain?
  • Why are there snakes in iconography related to medicine?
  • This platform allows non-priority people to be vaccinated with unused doses
  • What if radiation at a high enough level could be beneficial to humans?
  • Laboratories are still working hard to develop the perfect condom
  • Lyme disease vector ticks abundant in beach areas?
  • Virtual reality:a brand new treatment for post-traumatic stress!
  • Florida:genetically modified mosquitoes soon released into the wild
  • Why is exercising at home not so obvious?
  • Can humans transmit SARS-CoV-2 to cats?
  • The "night mode" of smartphones and other devices would not be very effective
  • Covid-19:an exercise to find the sense of smell more easily
  • What happens when you flush public toilets?
  • Is drinking coffee after 4 p.m. a problem for getting to sleep?
  • Covid-19:this French laboratory has developed a promising treatment against the disease
  • Covid-19:why some variants could benefit from vaccination?
  • The Institut Pasteur unveils four projections on the evolution of the Covid-19 epidemic in France
  • "Light sleepers" over 50 have an increased risk of dementia
  • After 40 days in a cave, the "confined ones" of the Deep Time project are finally out!
  • Is eating at night bad for your health?
  • What if artificial intelligence could "contain" future epidemics?
  • The memory and learning of adolescents impacted by sodas and other sugary drinks!
  • A powerful Covid test in a simple coffee capsule!
  • Ultra-processed foods make up 31% of the French diet!
  • This Covid-19 patient discovers her newborn after coming out of a coma
  • Smart toilets could soon analyze your stool
  • Moderna vaccine 'powerfully effective' in 12-17 year olds
  • Virtual reality alters our perception of time
  • Covid-19:an old lady who was thought to be dead wakes up before her cremation
  • Blind man partially regains sight thanks to pioneering treatment
  • What will the smart cameras for the next test concert at the Accor Arena be used for?
  • Covid-19:after the "black fungus", a "white fungus" of concern in India
  • This cap with lasers helps hair regrowth!
  • Google announces a tool to identify skin problems
  • Can Covid-19 really cause erectile dysfunction? We take stock
  • Dracula's castle attracts tourists by vaccinating them!
  • Investigation launched in Peru to find out if bleach derivative can treat coronavirus
  • The sperm of old male cats would carry many mutations
  • Bees and wasps have denser brains than birds!
  • This microscopic chip is placed under the skin to measure the temperature!
  • Covid-19:this company presents the first self-decontaminating spectacle lenses!
  • Covid-19:Severe 'Black Fungus' Infection Appears in Patients in India
  • The Mars500 experiment changed the astronauts' microbiota
  • Researchers think they can cure Takotsubo syndrome
  • This insect gives dogs a good smell, according to a study
  • The Saver Whale underwater drone can save lives!
  • This man survived taking 40,000 ecstasy pills in 9 years
  • Mosquitoes infected with bacteria cause dengue fever cases to drop
  • Tear gas causing menstrual disturbances?
  • Terrorism:virology laboratories would be easy targets
  • Carbis Bay G7:vaccine solidarity on the summit agenda
  • This start-up is developing a tattoo that disappears after a year!
  • What types of masks are effective in protecting against viruses?
  • Methylene blue, a new component of future sunscreens?
  • Cancer:a first rapid test to monitor the success of a treatment
  • Myopia would be linked to a disruption of the circadian rhythm
  • A hundred humans have a highly superior autobiographical memory!
  • Two strains of flu virus may have disappeared
  • Is "bedroom sport" really one?
  • What are the effects of a nap depending on whether it lasts 10, 20, 30 or 90 minutes?
  • The human brain is more like the testis than any other organ
  • What is the "absolute limit" to human lifespan?
  • H10N3 avian flu:first human case detected in China
  • The mass of human chromosomes measured for the first time
  • Covid-19:the cancellation of the Tokyo Olympics would be the safest option
  • Here is the Goji berry, the superfruit from China!
  • These researchers have discovered why other people's noises are so disturbing!
  • Eat blue muffins to assess your microbiota!
  • The "kangaroo mother" method offered from birth improves the survival of premature babies
  • Biden orders further investigation into origin of Covid-19
  • Disturbing:a device against obesity creates controversy
  • Heart rate:in diving, freedivers compete with seals
  • Case Study:First "Vertical Fracture" of Penis Reported
  • Stronger than the marathon, the ultra-marathon is increasingly popular!
  • Do essential oils have a health benefit?
  • China is officially free of malaria
  • Company Creates First Human Breast Milk From Cultured Cells
  • A first pacemaker that "dissolves" in the body after use
  • There really is a microchip project to be implanted in the human body
  • He invents a special straw to overcome hiccups!
  • The Covid-19 pandemic has favored ransomware attacks
  • Sport:listening to music during exercise compensates for mental fatigue!
  • Reducing stress can sometimes reverse gray hair, study finds
  • Researcher unearths SARS-CoV-2 genetic sequences deleted last year
  • Covid-19:what is the "Emmental model"?
  • Covid-19:the United States invests 3 billion dollars in the development of an antiviral treatment!
  • A urine test to help early detection of brain tumors
  • Noise-canceling headphones modified to measure blood alcohol levels
  • What experiments would you like to conduct if you had no ethics? Scientists answer
  • According to a study, eating mushrooms daily could reduce the risk of cancer by half!
  • NASA is interested in 3D printing human organs!
  • According to this study, laughing gas (in low doses) could cure depression!
  • Dr. Shi Zhengli is adamant:the Covid virus did not come from his lab
  • Covid-19:few vaccinated people admitted to intensive care across the Channel
  • According to a survey, ASMR reduces the stress of a third of French people
  • To what extent do new technologies promote weight loss?
  • Should we really take 10,000 steps a day?
  • Do you know the causes of erectile dysfunction in men?
  • Paralyzed man writes on a screen thanks to a brain implant
  • Here's a new way to find out a person's stress level
  • Alcohol caused more than 700,000 cancer cases worldwide in 2020
  • CRISPR technology joins the fight against Covid-19
  • The size of the human body would have evolved according to changes in temperature
  • A new meta-tissue capable of keeping your body cool
  • Fermented foods boost microbiome diversity and improve immune responses
  • The ideal way to enjoy life would be to not always set goals
  • How can our brain be able to "time travel"?
  • This company is developing an oral coronavirus vaccine
  • Is the little "digestive" at the end of a heavy meal good for digestion?
  • Moderna begins clinical trial of mRNA-based flu vaccine
  • Variant Delta:Pfizer offers a 3rd injection and develops a new vaccine
  • A five-minute breathing workout to lower high blood pressure
  • Wounded cancer cells heal their wounds too
  • What if isolation was as harmful as obesity or smoking?
  • Oral cholera vaccine made from GMO rice
  • Dream job:getting paid $1,500 for a month's nap
  • Covid-19:the second wave during the summer of 2020 was actually linked to variants
  • Brain organoids developed rudimentary eyes
  • Simple anti-Covid masks are insufficient in the face of fires
  • How can this start-up extend the lives of dogs?
  • What if you could become invisible to mosquitoes?
  • Too much television would increase the risk of sleep apnea
  • Children born during pandemic have lower IQs, study finds
  • Covid-19 during pregnancy promotes premature births
  • In Germany, an antivax nurse allegedly deceived more than 8,000 people
  • Are nose hairs effective against infections?
  • Sprint:why is the top speed of the human body limited?
  • “What are the most surprising and horrifying cases you have worked on? » Forensic experts answer
  • After 60 years, the human body's natural blood pressure barometers finally revealed
  • Soon cannabis to treat brain tumors?
  • Philip Morris calls for a ban on the sale of cigarettes by 2030
  • Delta variant is as contagious as chickenpox, CDC report says
  • Bio-engineers pessimistic about the future of brain-machine interfaces
  • Did lead play a role in the fall of the Roman Empire?
  • GMOs:in the Philippines, we will start eating "golden rice"
  • Olympics:can the absence of an audience affect the performance of athletes?
  • When the usefulness of toothpaste is not really unanimous
  • A new coronavirus close to SARS-CoV-2 discovered in the United Kingdom!
  • What is the best time of day to exercise?
  • What are the proven benefits of Griffonia?
  • Lucid Dreams Could Explain Alien Abduction Stories
  • What is this start-up that could make Jeff Bezos immortal?
  • In India, authorities seek to contain the Nipah virus
  • Cancer:a vaccine/immunotherapy combo towards human trials
  • Vietnam:a man sentenced to prison for having spread the Covid-19
  • Is there a danger in reusing the same plastic bottle several times?
  • Covid-19:giving constellation names to new variants does not please astronomers
  • Long-lasting disinfectant promises to fight the spread of pathogens
  • The pandemic has caused the postponement or cancellation of many organ transplants
  • Experimental HIV vaccine fails in Africa, but there is still hope
  • China to again limit online gambling for minors
  • More and more people have an extra artery in the forearm
  • Can intestinal bacteria counteract aging?
  • Sport:beware of "bigorexia", the addiction to physical activity
  • No, there is no "Covid-22 super variant"
  • Remote-controlled mini-robots may one day operate on you from the inside
  • More than a billion people suffer from hypertension worldwide
  • Soon a candy capable of rebuilding the enamel of our teeth?
  • Covid-19:it creates malware to impact computers according to the local health situation
  • Why is the presence of the anthrax in the countryside a hell?
  • Babies expend 50% more energy than adults, study finds
  • Are we really safe from sunburn under an umbrella?
  • HIV messenger RNA vaccine being tested in humans
  • A new form of contraception thanks to sperm-neutralizing antibodies
  • The Nobel Prize for Medicine rewards work on sensory receptors
  • What do we know about the anti-covid pill offered by the Merck laboratory?
  • The link between air pollution and premature births clearly established
  • YouTube bans anti-vaccine misinformation
  • Children's aversion to broccoli could be written in their microbiome
  • The Moon does not affect the sleep of men and women in the same way
  • Metacognition or the art of "thinking your own thoughts"
  • The researchers behind mRNA vaccines on their way to the Nobel?
  • SARS-CoV-2:The closest known relatives of the virus isolated in Laos
  • Babies ingest surprising amounts of microplastics
  • Migraine, this evil which affects 10 million French people
  • Covid-19:Amnesty International denounces a lack of equity in the distribution of vaccines around the world
  • Covid-19:some patients develop 'superhuman immunity'
  • Telemedicine:the future of medical consultation?
  • Why should disinfectants be avoided for cleaning?
  • Having a negative perception of one's own body can have a very surprising origin
  • Breast cancers are favored by high cholesterol levels
  • In France, noise impacts everyday life and causes illnesses
  • A French study on the effectiveness of anti-Covid vaccines over the long term
  • Curcumin:what can be the benefits?
  • In dogs, the owner's voice generates brain activity similar to that of a baby listening to its mother
  • The future epidemic causing many deaths will not necessarily be caused by a virus
  • Plant-rich diets promote flatulence, and that's a good thing
  • In Orlando, the Covid-19 crisis has a significant impact on drinking water
  • Horseback riding more dangerous than skiing, according to this American study
  • How to improve the quality of your sleep?
  • This is how our muscles heal their wounds after sport
  • Oxytocin to 'treat' autism doesn't work in children
  • Florida anti-vaccine school tells kids to stay home
  • In the United States, 50% of children have lead in their blood
  • This Study Explains Why Wisdom Teeth Only Grow in Adulthood
  • This non-invasive device aims to overcome snoring
  • Are meat substitutes really healthier?
  • Why are we more likely to consume junk food after quitting smoking?
  • What ecological and economical solutions to get rid of bed bugs?
  • Cancer:New treatment destroys head and neck tumors
  • What if hallucinogenic mushrooms made us more sensitive to music?
  • Here's a Nightcap Project to "Cleanse" the Brain
  • Stutterers no longer stutter if they have the intuition that they are alone
  • Organ transplants in the United States:the unvaccinated relegated to the bottom of the waiting lists
  • Malaria could be increasingly difficult to detect and treat
  • Yellowstone:A woman burns her body to save her dog
  • Newborns in 2020 could experience 30 extreme heat waves in their lifetime
  • Soon a vaccine against opioid overdoses?
  • Breakthrough:a promising vaccine against rheumatoid arthritis
  • Victim of depression, this woman was treated via an electrical brain implant
  • History:a first malaria vaccine approved by the WHO
  • Top 5 benefits of using hearing aids
  • The FDA approves this banana to fight insomnia and depression
  • Nasal Alzheimer's vaccine enters clinical trial
  • Why should you avoid storing your eggs in the fridge?
  • Alzheimer's vaccine:a clinical trial is recruiting its first patient
  • Cardiovascular health:is there an ideal time to go to bed?
  • Soon a treatment for this rare form of cancer in children
  • USA:Lots of kids think hot dogs are plants
  • In Singapore, antivax will no longer be covered for anti-Covid-19 treatments
  • The Covid-19 pandemic affects the ability to make simple decisions
  • Group B streptococcus:the bacteria that kills 150,000 babies each year
  • Artificial intelligence:DeepMind will serve pharmaceutical research
  • According to a study, green tea would act more like a kind of vaccine
  • SARS-CoV-2 vaccines not only protect against this virus
  • Babies sleeping better would be less exposed to the risks of overweight and obesity
  • Walmart recalls essential oil sprays containing deadly bacteria
  • A statement "smoking kills" soon on all cigarettes?
  • Bubble Gun:this laser device allows injections of vaccine without needles
  • Covid-19:some people would benefit from genetic immunity
  • In France, researchers tested the most powerful MRI on a pumpkin
  • UK:'flesh-eating' bacteria has experts worried
  • Covid:infected with the same virus for 335 days, she breaks a record
  • Rainwater can be collected, but is it really drinkable?
  • Housing:the indoor humidity level is as important as the temperature
  • A camera the size of a grain of salt to probe inside the human body
  • This treatment could make paralyzed people walk again
  • Do babies cry in their mother's womb?
  • When virtual reality is prescribed by prescription to relieve back pain
  • A stool transplant can rejuvenate the brains of old mice
  • Moderna VS Pfizer:a study determines the most effective against Covid-19
  • Omicron:most cases are mild, reassures WHO
  • 'Green Plants' Diet Helped Man End Migraines
  • We know a little more about the "very first days" of your life
  • We may not know half of what's in our cells
  • Are those who believe in astrology really less intelligent and more narcissistic?
  • Omicron variant:should we blame vaccine hoarding in the West?
  • A patient receives a 3D printed ocular prosthesis for the first time
  • What are these small floaters found in your field of vision?
  • Japan:a new nasal spray to fight against depression
  • How humor develops in young children
  • Too much salt in the brain causes slow blood flow
  • Covid-19:poor oral health increases the risk of serious forms
  • Covid 19:a vaccine in the form of a micro-needle skin patch
  • A promising new vaccine against Lyme disease
  • If you can do this 60 second test, then your heart is in good shape.
  • This "smell" given off by babies triggers aggression in women, but calms men
  • This chemotherapy could help breast cancer metastasize to the lungs
  • Researchers describe a new part of the human body
  • Covid-19:should we be concerned about non-compliance with the rules for handling masks?
  • Too much sugar at Christmas would be a source of depression during the winter
  • Climate drift threatens to lead to heavy labor losses worldwide
  • This anti-5G pendant is strongly discouraged due to its radioactivity
  • This "anti-aging" vaccine increases the lifespan of mice. Will it work in humans?
  • Hearing aids:an encouraging first assessment for the 100% health reform
  • Should we eat chocolate regularly to feel happier?
  • Can the blood of young people curb the effects of aging?
  • By the way, why are your stools brown?

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