Family Best Time >> sitemap >> Page:37:
  • Outdoor and indoor pollution during confinement
  • Boost your immunity to be in shape
  • Hand washing:an essential barrier gesture against viruses
  • Atopic dermatitis:hyper-reactive skin
  • Understanding contact eczema to better prevent it
  • The cutaneous microbiota, the ally of our skin!
  • The natural medicine kit for summer
  • Mosquitoes:natural relief and prevention
  • Boost your vitality:nutrition and natural antioxidants
  • How Chinese medicine works
  • Respiratory allergy, a daily discomfort
  • Take care of your body:firmness objective!
  • Preparing for pregnancy:the evolution of relationships in the couple
  • Preparation of the couple for pregnancy:the testimony of Laurence and Florian
  • A stay in the mountains for a good family holiday
  • In thalasso with baby
  • What are the benefits of good nasal hygiene?
  • Solutions for good nasal hygiene on a daily basis
  • Our advice against winter depression
  • The interest of nasal wash in the common cold
  • French nasal hygiene
  • Stop winter viruses, wash your hands!
  • Our advice to be zen and in shape at the start of the school year
  • Return to sport, recovery without injury
  • How to prepare your skin and repair the harmful effects of the sun?
  • Sun protection
  • What is organic food?
  • Indoor and outdoor pollution:the differences and the risks
  • Manage your stress naturally for exams
  • How to fight eye strain
  • Ear hygiene:the interest of ear washing
  • How to relieve the bruises, blows, bumps of everyday life?
  • Lice, crabs, scabies:true/false about treatments
  • Calluses, corns, calluses:differences and solutions
  • Homeopathy:Homeopathic strains and dilutions
  • Homeopathy:Origin, principles and self-medication
  • Atopic dermatitis:the role of the microbiota
  • The clay mask:a natural facial treatment
  • Oils, a treasure for skin and hair!
  • Ticks:disease vector bites
  • The 7 anti-tick safety tips
  • Prepare against mosquitoes to travel to an exotic country
  • What is Multiple Chemical Sensitivity?
  • Pollen allergies linked to pollution
  • Aromatherapy:what is an essential oil?
  • Get fit and look good for the holidays
  • Guinea fowl with cabbage...simply because it's good!
  • How to choose your hotel on online booking platforms?
  • Crossing the Laos/Thailand border in Vientiane
  • Our trip to China:itinerary, tips and budget
  • 6 months in Asia:itinerary and estimated budget
  • Planning preparations for a trip around the world with the family
  • Which holiday destinations are ideal for family trips?
  • Travel around the world with the family:define your budget and your itinerary
  • "Les Baladeurs" and "Le temps d'un bivouac", my favorite podcasts for traveling!
  • How to deal with jet lag when traveling with children?
  • What to pack when traveling with children?
  • Our tips for traveling cheaper as a family
  • How to book your plane tickets cheaper?
  • Walking with children, our tips and advice
  • Madeira, our advice to prepare your trip
  • Madeira, our 10 essential things to see or do
  • 10 tips for traveling with children with peace of mind
  • Discovering Costa Rica, all our tips for preparing your trip
  • Our tips for planning your trip to Iceland
  • 5 things to do in Iceland
  • All our advice for going to Rajasthan with children
  • Which family electric car to choose in LOA?
  • Mortgage to buy an apartment:what solutions?
  • A swimming pool with children:what safety rules to observe?
  • LOA or LLD for the new family car?
  • From what age can you bungee jump? An idea for a family outing?
  • Invasion of bed bugs in the house:how to solve the problem?
  • How much does auto insurance cost for a family car?
  • How to manage a situation of over-indebtedness?
  • How to choose a pet for your child?
  • What insurance to protect your family?
  • How to calculate your borrowing capacity to buy a house?
  • The family and the repurchase of credit:the different scenarios
  • 6 tricks to eliminate children's nonsense in your home
  • The hot air balloon:an original experience to enjoy with the family!
  • Tax exemption and tax benefits for the family
  • Borrow with a large family
  • LOA car:is it the right plan?
  • 5 ideas for organizing a dream birthday for your child
  • Buying a calculator for back to school:our buying advice!
  • How to get off to a good start when you have too many credits in progress?
  • Pajemploi:operation and monthly declaration
  • What steps should I take to adopt a child?
  • The different types of divorce and their consequences
  • How is it going in the small section of kindergarten?
  • 5 keys to a successful teenage birthday party
  • Breast cancer:what role for the family?
  • Her very first back to school
  • Organize a family bike ride
  • Caring for his elderly parents
  • What to do with children's clothes that are too small?
  • How is it going in the small section of kindergarten?
  • Breast cancer:what role for the family?
  • Caring for his elderly parents
  • How is it going in the small section of kindergarten?
  • Breast cancer:what role for the family?
  • Caring for his elderly parents
  • How is it going in the small section of kindergarten?
  • Breast cancer:what role for the family?
  • Caring for his elderly parents
  • Tips for renovating a bathroom
  • Change of car:where to find good credit?
  • We welcomed a little white cat!
  • What are the compulsory insurances for a family?
  • Which calm and kind dog breed to choose with children?
  • 3 tips to prepare financially for the future studies of your children
  • Homework help:a fun and economical solution
  • Certi’crèche, a certification for the best crèches
  • Why send your children to summer camp?
  • Find a babysitter at the last moment, the galley!
  • Donating and exchanging children's clothes:a good plan!
  • The Paris Winter Circus:tested and approved!
  • Buying off-plan real estate for my family
  • Children and the evils of summer
  • Summer holidays with grandpa and grandma
  • Dressing baby:fashion and prices for this summer
  • Single-parent families in a few figures
  • How are your family celebrations going?
  • Some elements to organize your wedding well
  • Plan your family vacation well
  • Dare the baby pony...
  • A family picnic in the woods
  • Snow class:don't hesitate!
  • 5 good reasons to have a cat at home
  • One hell of a pajama party for my second daughter!
  • Family travel and adventure
  • Adopt the cargobike
  • What to do in the event of a home accident
  • Change heating system
  • A last minute birthday for my daughter!
  • Create a garden corner for children and family
  • Organizing a pirate birthday party:how to go about it?
  • Organize a Halloween party for the kids
  • What toys for babies?
  • Marriage and blended family
  • Renovate furniture while being 100% green
  • 3 ideas for family outings on Sunday
  • What advantage for families to benefit from a works council?
  • Story of my tenth wedding anniversary
  • Do you have ventriloquist skills?
  • 3 best accessible sites that talk about health
  • Soon we are moving to a big house with a garden
  • The different types of retirement homes
  • The swing is the essential of playgrounds
  • 3 Christmas gift ideas for my mother
  • The formalities for having children's passports made
  • Fats in baby food
  • How to know and cancel the different subscriptions of a deceased?
  • Adopting the children of your spouse so that they inherit:is it possible?
  • Can you lend a home to one of your children? What rules?
  • Why regularly review your insurance contracts?
  • How to improve your income when you are retired?
  • Can a merchant refuse me payment by cheque?
  • I have changed my mind about my advance directives:what should I do?
  • Can the surviving spouse claim alimony from the heirs?
  • Rules of succession:who inherits, in what proportion?
  • Writing a will:what are the advantages? how to proceed ?
  • Legal protection for adults:what are the different measures?
  • Where can I find free legal advice?
  • Refusal of an inheritance by a child:why, what consequences of the refusal of inheritance?
  • Audiovisual royalties:who can be exempted?
  • What is an act of notoriety?
  • Timeshare holiday residence:why should you be wary?
  • Is the notary obligatory during a succession?
  • How to estimate your house for a donation or inheritance?
  • Can an heir be favored? What solutions?
  • I do not have the means to pay a lawyer:what solutions?
  • Can you settle a debt in place of your adult child? What precautions?
  • How to cancel a will written a long time ago?
  • What steps with regard to taxes for French people who go to live abroad?
  • Drop in retirement income:6 avenues to explore to compensate for it
  • Contactless payment:is there a risk? Is it secure?
  • Selling your house when you are an elderly person:what precautions?
  • What is a hat retreat? Who can benefit ?
  • Keeping animals:idea of ​​additional salary for retirement
  • Can an inheritance be disputed? What procedure?
  • How much money can I give to my grandchildren without having to declare it?
  • What happens to the bank account of a deceased person?
  • School support:idea of ​​additional salary for retirement
  • Liquidating a succession:explanations, principle and consequences
  • Becoming a nanny:idea of ​​additional salary for retirement
  • How to close a life insurance contract?
  • Life annuity:advantages and disadvantages
  • Energy check:how do you know if you are entitled to it?
  • How to declare your taxes when you do not have a computer or are not comfortable with the Internet?
  • What are the differences between guardianship and curatorship?
  • How to estimate the amount of his future retirement?
  • Selling your property in life annuity:the complete file
  • Wealth of seniors:inventory
  • Employment of retired seniors:what are the rules?
  • What is inheritance tax? Who pays them?
  • What are the differences between a gift, a bequest and a donation?
  • Is a donation taxable? What are the ceilings?
  • The maintenance obligation:for whom, when, how? The complete file
  • How to properly write the life insurance beneficiary clause?
  • Can a pensioner stand surety for his grandchildren?
  • How can you help your children or grandchildren? What are the limits ?
  • Local and property taxes:exemption for seniors
  • Seniors, the life annuity, have you thought about it? Definition and explanations
  • The pre-financed CESU:operation, usefulness, beneficiaries
  • How to declare a home employee with the CESU
  • What tax exemption solutions for seniors?
  • How does Perceval work against credit card fraud?
  • Profitable or magical investments, beware of scams!
  • What is a living donation? What limits?
  • Can we choose our heirs freely?
  • Elderly:what impact on car insurance?
  • How to reduce your monthly loan payments before retirement?
  • Understanding the donation-partage:the complete file
  • You hardly use your car anymore, opt for insurance per kilometer
  • How does life insurance work? Is this a good investment for seniors?
  • The mandate for future protection, an alternative to guardianship?
  • Understand the outcome of the life insurance contract on the death of the insured
  • Asbestos pre-retirement:what are we talking about?
  • Gross pension amount and net pension amount, what is the difference?
  • What is hardship retirement? Who can benefit ?
  • Retirement:when are they paid? Pension Calendar 2022
  • How much do special schemes cost our pension system?
  • Why differentiate the private sector pension plan from that of the public service?
  • What is the CNRACL? 2022 payment schedule
  • Local information points dedicated to the elderly (CLIC):operation and usefulness
  • Retiring abroad:advantages, disadvantages, precautions to take
  • Play Santa Claus in December to supplement your income
  • At the very end of his career, what are his unemployment rights?
  • A life of work at Smic, how much will my retirement be?
  • What are the rules for validating a quarter of retirement?
  • How to find work after 55?
  • What are the minimum retirement pensions?
  • Retirement by distribution and retirement by points, consequences for employees
  • LAgirc-Arrco:understanding how it works and its impact on retirement
  • How to anticipate and live well your first months of retirement?
  • The contributory minimum:what is it? How is it calculated?
  • Senior employment:6 unstoppable arguments for hiring a senior over 50
  • Veteran:what right to retirement?
  • Odd jobs among seniors:a risk of precariousness?
  • Error in his retirement pension:how to correct? What procedure?
  • Retirement indemnity:operation and calculation
  • The CRPCEN:who is affiliated and who contributes to this pension fund?
  • Retirement by points:what principle and operation?
  • How do I apply for an APA (Personalised Autonomy Allowance)?
  • The grandfather clause:what is it?
  • Redeeming retirement points:why, when, how?
  • Individual statement of retirement situation:what is it? How to get it?
  • Living your retirement in the sun:10 countries to sexpatriate!
  • Long career:what is it? What impact on retirement?
  • Widowhood allowance:what is it? Who can benefit ?
  • Phased retirement, what is it? Explanations
  • Invalid widow's or widower's pension:what is it? Who can benefit ?
  • Cohabitation or civil partnership:are we entitled to a survivor's pension?
  • What is the Third Party Surcharge (MTP)? How to benefit from it?
  • Retirement in the public service:what particularities?
  • Stay-at-home mom:what retirement to expect?
  • Compensation for seniors by Pôle emploi, consequences on retirement
  • Does a long-term illness count towards retirement?
  • How is a quarter calculated for his future retirement?
  • Can a pension and a survivor's pension be combined? What limits?
  • The survivor's pension:beneficiaries, operation, amount
  • LAsir (Help for retirees in a situation of rupture):explanations
  • The minimum old age:definition, operation, beneficiaries
  • What material and financial aid can be expected from pension funds?
  • Receiving a pension without having worked:is it possible?
  • The CIPAV:who is affiliated and who contributes to this pension fund?
  • How do I get my pension certificates?
  • La Cavec:who is affiliated and who contributes to this pension fund?
  • The CAVAMAC:who is affiliated and who contributes to this pension fund?
  • The Carpimko:who is affiliated and who contributes to this pension fund?
  • What are the consequences of a period of unemployment on retirement?
  • Retirement bonus:for whom, when, how?
  • The Retirement Savings Plan (PER):the complete file
  • At what age can you retire?
  • LIrcantec:who is affiliated and who contributes to this supplementary pension?
  • Disability pension:amount, beneficiaries, how to apply for it?
  • How does the retirement quarter buy-back work?
  • Retired living abroad:advice and instructions
  • What taxation of retirement benefits?
  • What is the Individual Retirement Interview (EIR)? How to take advantage of it?
  • Retiring in Portugal:why this boom?
  • What is the disability compensation benefit (PCH)? How to benefit from it?
  • What is the Supplementary Invalidity Allowance (Asi):definition, operation
  • What is the ASPA (Solidarity allowance for the elderly)?
  • Is the French pension system universal? What is it abroad?
  • When and what steps to claim your pension rights?
  • Organizing a retirement party
  • Infographic:French retirement pensions
  • On what criteria to choose a retirement home?
  • Why and how to become a volunteer in a retirement home?
  • What is the difference between a Social Life Auxiliary (AVS) and a Home Helper?
  • Public or private EHPAD:advantages and disadvantages?
  • How to change electricity supplier?
  • APL:how do you know if you are entitled to it?
  • What is a Protected Life Unit (UVP) in nursing homes?
  • Death:what rights does the surviving spouse have to common housing?
  • Caregiver:how to organize to take a few days of vacation?
  • Are there tax deductions for seniors in retirement homes?
  • Can you change your EHPAD parent:what procedure?
  • How to choose a home help?
  • Financing home care:the solutions
  • Employing a housekeeper when you are a senior:how to do it?
  • How to make sure that his relative is well treated in his nursing home?
  • Year-round living in your motorhome:our advice
  • Installing solar panels over 60:good or bad idea?
  • Remote assistance:how to choose the right contract? Our advices
  • What solutions to lower your gas bill?
  • Water damage:how to react? How to declare it?
  • How to choose and find a retirement home?
  • Ideas for practical layout of a bathroom for seniors
  • What solutions to empty a house after a death or a departure to a retirement home?
  • Colocation between seniors:a solution to study?
  • Assistive robots for the elderly:where are we?
  • Sharing your house with a student:what precautions? What counterparties?
  • What is the average cost of a retirement home?
  • Home help:how to benefit from it?
  • Residence services:how to choose it? What cost?
  • SSR (Aftercare and Rehabilitation):how do these establishments work?
  • Animator in a retirement home:what function, training and remuneration?
  • What are the differences between a retirement home and an EHPAD?
  • Grouped housing:a solution for seniors!
  • Nursing home:what are the particularities?
  • Hosting your relative at home:precautions, advantages, advice
  • Occupational therapist:what contribution in the adaptation of housing for seniors?
  • La Marpa:operation and specificities of this senior residence
  • What are the differences between a nursing home and a convalescent home?
  • How does an Ehpad work? How are seats allocated?
  • Animation in retirement homes:an often neglected imperative
  • Intergenerational colocation, the advantages and disadvantages
  • Senior residence:5 tips for choosing it well
  • Troubleshooting and work at home:obligations of professionals, reacting in the event of a dispute
  • Long-term care units (USLD) for the elderly:explanations
  • Le Cantou:for whom, when, how?
  • Home-housing:for whom, when, how?
  • What alternatives to the Ehpad for a dependent senior?
  • When to make the decision to send your relative to Ehpad?
  • The tax credit for equipment work for the elderly:explanations
  • How to keep a healthy home? Our advices
  • What is the intergenerational lease? Explanations
  • How to organize the care at home of an elderly person?
  • Decorating your home for aging well
  • Label Tested and approved by seniors
  • What dietary supplements for the elderly?
  • How do you pick up an elderly person who has fallen to the ground?
  • Caffeine, anti-aging treatment:true or false?
  • What is a flexitarian diet?
  • Buying food in bulk:4 advantages
  • Why are femur fractures common in older people?
  • What is bipolar disorder? What symptoms?
  • Is butter so bad for your health?
  • Hypothermia in the Elderly:Symptoms and Risks
  • I am afraid of the loss of autonomy:how to manage?
  • Cryotherapy:solution against muscle pain?
  • Senior:how to guard against the risk of falling?
  • How to reduce the risk of osteoporosis?
  • Cryonics:fantasy or reality
  • Gluten:should we be wary of it?
  • Senior:how to protect yourself from winter viruses?
  • Dealing with a naughty elderly person, how to handle the situation?
  • How to relieve aches after an intense effort?
  • Compression stockings for an elderly person:what are they for?
  • Stimulating the cognitive functions of seniors:8 games to practice
  • Giving an elderly person an appetite:6 tips and tricks
  • Hair loss:how to manage and accept it?
  • I am afraid of death:how to manage?
  • The health benefits of milk and dairy products for seniors
  • What is sarcopenia?
  • Losing your mental faculties as you age:is it inevitable?
  • Maintaining your memory after 60:5 tips and tricks
  • Fat and sweet are to be banned as you age:true or false?
  • What are diverticulitis? What causes? What symptoms?
  • What is a bedsore? What is it due to? How to treat it?
  • Home meal delivery for seniors:how to choose your service provider?
  • Why is loss of balance common in seniors?
  • The most common domestic accidents:the top 10!
  • Joint pain in seniors:the main causes
  • Delay skin aging:8 tips and tricks
  • Hearing aid:how does it work? What technologies are on the market?
  • The health benefits of orange
  • What is gemmotherapy? What interest for health?
  • Why do the elderly often have hematomas?
  • Daily medication intake:how not to make a mistake?
  • Fighting loneliness:6 tips and tricks
  • The health benefits of red cabbage
  • Nonviolent communication:what are we talking about?
  • The health benefits of savory
  • How do you give meaning to your life as you approach old age?
  • The health benefits of black radish
  • The health benefits of lettuce
  • The benefits of a pet for seniors
  • Osteopath or etiopath:what are the differences? Which one to choose ?
  • The health benefits of burdock
  • The health benefits of lemon balm
  • The health benefits of marjoram
  • Become a hypochondriac as you get older
  • Breast cancer, up to what age to be screened?
  • The health benefits of watercress
  • DHEA against aging:miracle or mirage?
  • The different types of hearing aids
  • Depression in the elderly:an overview
  • What solutions to permanently get rid of warts?
  • Why do old people sometimes become cantankerous?
  • Home hospitalization (HAD), who can claim it?
  • Hypertension:causes, symptoms, treatments
  • Can you live normally after a stroke? Are they all serious?
  • Can we practice fasting when we are senior?
  • How to set up home care for an elderly person?
  • What are the warning signs of a stroke? How to react ?
  • How to choose your shrink?
  • Ayurveda, an Indian medicine to discover:principle and benefits
  • Diabetes in seniors:causes, symptoms, treatments
  • Burn-out among seniors:state of play
  • I can't stand getting old:how do I get past this?
  • Hypotension:what is it? What symptoms?
  • I feel depressed:how do I know if it is real depression?
  • With age, how to lose belly, whether you are a man or a woman?
  • Back pain:how to relieve it?
  • Which diseases have disappeared thanks to vaccination?
  • Painful calf:what can be the causes?
  • Micro-kinesitherapy:what is it? What benefits to expect?
  • The health benefits of peanuts
  • Is cannabis use among seniors a reality?
  • Tattooing among seniors:fashion effect? What precautions?
  • Is senior fashion still outdated?
  • Learn to breathe well:3 practical exercises
  • Until what age can you donate blood? What about seniors?
  • Cooling off in hot weather:6 tips and tricks
  • How to act for the victims of an accident due to a medical act?
  • How long is a medical prescription valid for?
  • sleep in seniors
  • The health benefits of bananas
  • Thalassotherapy for seniors
  • What to do with expired medication?
  • Sugar:why should we be wary of it?
  • Sunscreen:why protect yourself all the more when you are a senior?
  • Elderly person with loss of autonomy:definition, diagnosis, solutions
  • Cataract:causes, symptoms, treatments
  • Joint stiffness:why? How to relieve them?
  • The health benefits of plums
  • The health benefits of chamomile
  • I refuse to age:what to do? How to manage ?
  • Are spa treatments really useful and effective?
  • In which countries do we live the oldest? World Longevity Secrets
  • Adopting a pet as a senior:what you need to know
  • The health benefits of Aloe Vera
  • Too late for psychotherapy? Why follow a therapy even old?
  • The health benefits of apricot
  • Forest baths or sylvotherapy:solution against stress?
  • Seniors and cosmetic surgery:inventory and risks
  • The health benefits of hazelnuts
  • 10 exercises to maintain your mental capacities
  • My grandson is vegetarian:how to manage?
  • The health benefits of avocado
  • Meditation:what are the benefits? How to practice?
  • The health benefits of pumpkin seeds
  • White hair:do you have to fight to hide it?
  • Fight against joint aging through movement
  • The health benefits of guava
  • The health benefits of dandelion
  • Shiatsu, what are its benefits and how does it work?
  • Self-tanners:more or less dangerous than the sun?
  • The health benefits of watermelon
  • Stevia, a solution to reduce your sugar consumption?
  • Why and how to eat well when you are a senior?
  • What benefits can we expect from relaxation?
  • Alcoholism in the third age:current situation
  • Hypnotherapy, what is it? Should we believe it?
  • Osteoporosis:how to treat it?
  • AMD (Age-Related Macular Degeneration):causes, symptoms, treatments
  • Why the skin sags with aging, how to limit the appearance of flabby skin?
  • Seasonal depression:how to deal with it?
  • Alzheimer's disease:causes, symptoms, treatments
  • The health benefits of lemon
  • Urinary problems in seniors:what are they, symptoms, treatments
  • Social security certificate:where and how to get it or download it?
  • The health benefits of thyme
  • The health benefits of sage
  • How to keep in shape as a senior?
  • Osteoporosis:cause, symptom, treatment in seniors
  • 10 warning signs of Parkinson's disease
  • Hemiplegia:cause, symptom, treatment in seniors
  • What is the concept of humanitude?
  • What is a cognitive disorder? How to recognize it? Should we be worried?
  • Arthritis:cause, symptom, treatment in seniors
  • Screening for colorectal cancer:for whom, when, how?
  • The health benefits of apples
  • The health benefits of ginger
  • Alcohol and the elderly:even greater health risks
  • How to relieve heartburn naturally?
  • Temperature taking:where and how? From what temperature does one have a fever?
  • Simple shortness of breath or symptom to be taken seriously:how to know?
  • The health benefits of verbena
  • What is blood pressure? How to calculate it?
  • Top 10 Foods to Fight Cholesterol
  • The health benefits of parsley
  • Vitamin B12 deficiency in seniors:what consequences?
  • 1 glass of wine a day to live long:myth or reality?
  • Diogenes Syndrome:causes, symptoms, treatments
  • Incontinence in the elderly:what practical protection solutions?
  • Palliative care:definition, explanations, rights of individuals
  • Uric acid:what is it? What consequences?
  • Osteoarthritis:causes, symptoms and treatment in the elderly
  • Home health aide for seniors:when and how?
  • What is a degenerative disease? What are those related to aging?
  • Light therapy, against winter depression
  • What is senility? What are the signs and symptoms?
  • Lurologist:specialist in urinary and sexual disorders
  • Parkinson's disease:causes, symptoms, treatments
  • Water retention, swollen legs:6 possible causes
  • Glaucoma in seniors:causes, symptoms, treatments
  • Tinnitus:causes, symptoms, treatments
  • Selenium and its usefulness for seniors!
  • Zinc, an essential trace element, in prevention against COVID?
  • Vitamin D against COVID, but not only
  • CBD, to relieve the ailments of seniors
  • Sleep disorders in the elderly:explanations
  • Home care nursing services (SSIAD)? How does it work?
  • Fighting the cold:4 tips and tricks from grandma
  • Warning signs of a heart attack, how to recognize a heart attack?
  • How to find a hearing center or audioprosthetist near you?
  • The audioprosthetist, hearing specialist, essential for seniors
  • Refusal of discriminatory care or abusive fees:what solutions?
  • Medical desert:what solution when you need a doctor?
  • What are the differences between a dietician and a nutritionist?
  • Subdural hematoma in the elderly:explanations
  • Prostate cancer:what are the warning signs?
  • How much does a hearing aid cost? What mutual support?
  • The Gerontology Care Assistant (ASG):role and function
  • Chrysanthellum to protect the liver
  • The benefits of honey:the 1001 virtues of this natural product
  • Pet therapy, a benefit for seniors and the elderly?
  • Papaya, super food for winter. Its health benefits
  • The spa treatment, a benefit for rheumatism and osteoarthritis?
  • How to understand and fight against dehydration in seniors?
  • Understanding the shared medical record or DMP, what are the advantages?
  • Why do we lose our appetite with age? How to cure it ?
  • What are the aids for the health expenses of the elderly?
  • How to prevent and fight against the feeling of dry eyes?
  • What solutions to detect falls in the elderly?
  • Flore, documentary on Alzheimer's disease
  • The hidden meaning of nursery rhymes
  • Becoming Grandparents at Heart:How and Why?
  • Mortuary toilet:what does it consist of?
  • Organ donation:what age limit or contraindications?
  • Being a grandparent of a single-parent child
  • Grandparents Raising Grandchildren:State of the Art and Tips
  • Why do grandparents have a favorite grandchild?
  • Falling out with your children:is it always definitive?
  • Having a younger partner when you are senior
  • Senior companion:what is her role? How to recruit her?
  • Understand GPA and PMA in 3 minutes flat!
  • What associations exist to help caregivers?
  • What is the concept of cultural appropriation?
  • Being a senior without having had children:issues and problems
  • My son or my daughter is mistreating my grandchildren:how do I intervene?
  • Do seniors really vote more for conservative parties?
  • Simple curatorship and reinforced curatorship:what is the difference?
  • The term boomer used by young people to mock the old:explanation
  • Old people are expensive for society:true or false?
  • Zero Waste:there is no age to get started!
  • Appointing a support person in the event of incapacity is a right:explanations
  • What is Caregiver Leave? Explanations and operation
  • Couple therapy when you are a senior:why, when, how?
  • My grandchildren do not get off their screens:how to manage?
  • How to talk about death to your grandchildren?
  • What is the mobility inclusion card (CMI)? How to request it?
  • I can't stand my daughter-in-law or son-in-law:what should I do?
  • Procrastination:how to stop putting everything off until tomorrow?
  • End of life:what is sedation? What is it about ?
  • How to find yourself as a couple when the children have left the nest?
  • What is extreme old age? How do you support your parent in this situation?
  • The long service medal:for whom, why and how?
  • The warning signs to stop driving your car
  • Doorstep canvassing, how not to be fooled when you are a senior?
  • Is it possible to change surname, first name or both?
  • How to assume your transidentity once senior?
  • Why does the siren sound every first Wednesday of the month?
  • Elder Abuse:Prevent, Recognize, Act
  • How can you be sure that your last wishes will be respected?
  • How to request visitation and accommodation rights for your grandchildren?
  • Welcoming a disadvantaged child on vacation when you are a senior:what solutions?
  • How to manage the whims of grandchildren?
  • The health insurance rights of a pensioner living abroad
  • The Defender of Rights:what is his mission? How to enter it?
  • Remarry, once widowed or after a breakup
  • What is family empowerment? What is the interest for the elderly person?
  • Fire-cutting grandparent:what should we think of this gift?
  • Becoming a grandparent for the first time:3 tips for living it well
  • Living organ donation:why, when, how?
  • The employment-service check or CESU, a boon for seniors?
  • How to write a death notice?
  • Cults, a risk for seniors?
  • How to react to the death of a grandchild?
  • What is a certificate of inheritance? What is its use?
  • The taboo around death and the efforts to lift it
  • Autism of a grandchild:what approach to adopt?
  • Legal aid:for whom, when, how?
  • Understanding New Generation Feminism
  • How to express thanks during a death? What cards? What formulas?
  • Home care assistant:how to recruit it?
  • How to write a funeral speech? Some tips
  • Professional retraining after 50:how to proceed?
  • What is a death certificate? How to get it? What use?
  • Calendar of procedures following the death of a loved one
  • Can we join a PACS over 60 and over? What interest ?
  • How to react to the coming out of a grandchild?
  • What does the acronym LGBTQI+ and the concept queer mean?
  • Does seeing your grandchildren regularly make you younger?
  • Germany:what care for dependent elderly people?
  • Senior:top 10 cities where life is good for retirement
  • Family secrets:should they be revealed before leaving?
  • Gerontechnology:what is it? What to expect in the years to come?
  • The maintenance obligation vis-à-vis loved ones:for whom, when, how?
  • Abuse of weakness:protection of the elderly against abusive commercial practices
  • Lepitaph:who writes it? What habits and customs? What rules to follow?
  • Can we be buried where we want? What the law says about burial!
  • Can you disinherit your children?
  • The sexuality of seniors:why is it taboo? What changes with aging
  • Papers, invoices, pay slips, etc., how long should they be kept?
  • Curatorship:for whom, why, when, how?
  • State of play of the precariousness of seniors
  • Guardianship:for whom, why, when, how?
  • At what age are you considered senior?
  • The CCAS:what is its role? What help for seniors?
  • How not to be fooled by scams when you are a senior?
  • The Silver Economy, an issue at the service of seniors
  • Donating your body to science and organ donation after death
  • Social life:5 ideas to get out of isolation when you are a senior
  • Foster family for the elderly:operation, guarantees, remuneration
  • Online purchases:how to avoid having your credit card hacked?
  • Are senior dating sites serious and reliable?
  • What to do following the death of your pet?
  • How to write a condolence letter without making an odd impression?
  • Aging well:what does this concept mean?
  • Jewelry that disappears in nursing homes (Alzheimer's):how to act? Should I file a complaint?
  • What is lagism? Definition, where does this term come from?
  • Blue Week, national week for retirees and the elderly:all you need to know
  • What does the charter of rights and freedoms of the dependent elderly person consist of?
  • What legal status for family caregivers? What help? What training?
  • Voting rights of sick seniors:a real problem
  • Classified ads on Leboncoin:common sense to avoid scams
  • Grandparents and visitation rights for grandchildren:what you need to know!
  • Baluchonnage, an original idea for caregivers:explanation
  • What is social housing assistance (ASH)? How to benefit from it?
  • 5 tips for successfully managing the transition from working life to retirement
  • Grandparents and grandchildren's holidays:inventory
  • The senior market:state of play!
  • What budget for Christmas gifts for grandchildren?
  • Muscle your abs after 60:10 easy exercises
  • Strengthen your arms after 60:10 easy exercises
  • Laptop or desktop computer for a senior? How to choose ?
  • Strengthen the perineum of the senior:5 exercises to practice
  • A dog to force yourself to walk daily:good or bad idea?
  • 5 flexibility exercises to favor when you are a senior
  • Sport on prescription:who is entitled to it?
  • Treadmill for seniors:why adopt it?
  • Up to what age can you practice skiing?
  • Recipe for Lyonnaise waffles like my grandmother
  • Muscle strengthening for seniors:10 exercises to practice
  • Elbow problem:what physical activity to practice?
  • 10 tips to help you choose your swimming pool for your grandchildren
  • Yogurt cake recipe like my grandmother
  • Pilates:a gentle gym method by working on posture and breathing
  • 10 craft ideas to fill your retirement
  • Knee problem:what physical activity to practice?
  • Spring work in the garden:when and where to start?
  • What is a Fab Lab? What can we do there?
  • Cork stoppers:how to recycle them in DIY? 10 creative ideas
  • Find your childhood friends through the internet:method and advice
  • What are the aids for going on vacation when you are retired?
  • Retouching your photos:what simple software to use?
  • How to organize a dinner show for a third age club?
  • Gardening, one of the favorite activities of retirees!
  • Decorating your stairs for Christmas:8 ideas to discover
  • 6 fall foliage to dry yourself for your future Christmas decor
  • 5 flower ideas to decorate your Christmas decoration
  • Catfishing:these scammers who seduce seniors
  • Long weekend in Paris:ten must-see places and museums
  • 8 ideas to create a Christmas tree without a tree!
  • Discover South America:where to start?
  • The Great Italian Lakes:Travel Itinerary and Must-See Sites
  • Travel to Canada:the ultimate whale watching tour
  • Feeding garden birds during the winter to better observe them:our advice
  • Understanding yoga and its benefits for seniors
  • Discovering Asia:which country to start with?
  • Singing after retirement
  • The 7 wonders of the world to visit at least once in your life!
  • Long weekend in Venice:organization and sites to visit
  • Top 10 of the most beautiful islands to visit at least once in your life
  • Are retirees entitled to holiday vouchers? What conditions? Who issues them?
  • Tuscany by motorhome:itinerary, advice and organization
  • Cheap travel in France and abroad:10 tips and tricks
  • Planting fall bulbs:6 tips and tricks
  • Following your grandchildren on Facebook:good or bad idea?
  • The Saintpaulia, a very easy-care indoor plant
  • Pondicherry, a very French Indian city to discover without delay
  • Top 10 of the most beautiful cities in Spain that you must visit at least once in your life
  • 8 tips for taking care of indoor plants in winter
  • Cheap holidays when you are retired:keep houses!
  • Black Périgord:the 10 essentials to do during your trip
  • Winter in Morocco by motorhome:advice and itinerary
  • Organized trips for seniors:7 tips to avoid becoming disillusioned
  • 5 Christmas markets to visit at least once in your life
  • Winter holidays in the mountains without skiing:12 fun activities to discover
  • Laquabiking:what is it? What are the benefits for seniors?
  • Travel to Africa:which countries to visit safely?
  • Aquagym:what is it? What are the benefits for seniors?
  • Top 10 of the most beautiful cities in Italy that you must visit at least once in your life
  • Nice:a city where life is good in winter
  • Long weekend in Budapest:organization and sites to visit
  • Long weekend in Marseille:organization and sites to visit
  • How to light a barbecue safely?
  • What solutions to not go alone when you are a senior solo?
  • Intergenerational solidarity, multiple activities when you are retired
  • How much does a cruise cost? What are the price elements?
  • Long weekend in Brussels:organization and sites to visit
  • Belle-Île-en-Mer, an island to discover absolutely!
  • Van or fitted van and motorhome:what are the differences?
  • Long weekend in Amsterdam:organization and sites to visit
  • Guadeloupe or Martinique for a stay in the Caribbean?
  • Posting photos of your grandchildren on Facebook:what are the risks?
  • 10 extraordinarily fragrant roses to plant in the garden
  • A gardener to trim hedges and do heavy work:how much does it cost?
  • How to treat weeds without breaking your back?
  • Guarding your motorhome during the winter:what solutions? What cost?
  • Retired:10 good reasons to leave in June or September for your holidays
  • Cruise on the Danube:advice and organization
  • The Vosges by motorhome:itinerary, advice, and organization
  • Long weekend in Porto:organization and sites to visit
  • The fifteen most beautiful Greek islands of the Cyclades to discover absolutely
  • How to find a motorhome area?
  • Taking the train at a lower cost:14 tips and tricks to pay less
  • Air travel:10 tips to be serene when you are a senior
  • 11 European destinations to do in a motorhome
  • Renting your motorhome to individuals:everything you need to know
  • I was offered an orchid:what care should I give it?
  • Long weekend in London:organization and sites to visit
  • How to attract birds to the garden? Tips and tricks
  • Senior cruise:essential destinations depending on the season
  • 3 good reasons to switch to an electric bike when you are a senior
  • Taking up dancing in retirement:some tips for success
  • What are the habits of seniors with screens?
  • The 10 most beautiful zoos in France to do with your grandchildren
  • Electric bike for seniors:how to choose it?
  • Until what age can you go hiking?
  • Volunteering:how to find an activity that suits you?
  • Seniors and DIY:state of play!
  • Best gymnastics exercises for seniors:4 movements to discover
  • Long weekend in Lisbon:organization and sites to visit
  • Which cabin to choose for a cruise? Our advices
  • Senior:7 tips for traveling alone
  • The reading tablet, an innovative tool for seniors
  • Recipe for chocolate chip cookies like my grandmother
  • Camping holidays:several tips for a successful one
  • Holidays at a low price when you are a senior:where, when, how to go?
  • Investing in politics after retirement
  • Video games and their potential benefits:explained
  • Buying a new or used mobile home:everything you need to know!
  • Boat license after 60 years:is it possible? How's it going ? What cost?
  • No longer the strength or the desire to do your garden:what solutions?
  • Recipe for cherry clafoutis like my grandmother
  • What are the different types of yoga?
  • Learning to knit with seniors:a new trend?
  • LAlsace by motorhome:itinerary, advice and organization
  • Video on demand:how does it work?
  • Brittany by motorhome:itinerary, advice and organization
  • The castles of the Loire by motorhome:itinerary, advice and organization
  • Exchange your accommodation for a less expensive vacation!
  • Driving a motorhome for the first time:7 tips
  • What are the different routes to Santiago de Compostela?
  • Motorhome routes:top 10 French destinations
  • Swimming, a physical activity to be practiced without moderation by seniors
  • Hiking in the Dordogne:itinerary, advice and organization
  • Successful holidays with your grandchildren:4 mistakes not to make!
  • Chair yoga:what is it? Why is it suitable for seniors?
  • Are seniors victims of gambling?
  • The Gorges du Verdon by electric boat:advice and organization
  • The Pyrénées-Orientales in autumn:itinerary, advice and organization
  • Raised vegetable patch:a solution for standing gardening
  • The Gorges du Verdon by pedal boat:advice and organization
  • Calanques in Provence on foot:itinerary, advice and organization
  • Create a blog to share your passions after retirement:our advice
  • The Ardèche gorges, the 10 villages to visit absolutely!
  • Gardening without pain:advice and tips for seniors
  • Rabbit recipe with homemade mustard like my grandmother
  • Can you start yoga at 60 and over?
  • In the footsteps of Ancient Rome from Nîmes to Vaison-la-Romaine:holiday idea!
  • 10 simple yoga postures to take care of yourself
  • The South-West of France, 10 gastronomic cities to visit
  • The Dordogne by caravan:itinerary, advice and organization
  • From the Ardèche to the Tarn to discover by motorhome:itinerary, advice and organization
  • 3 free games to maintain your memory and your brain
  • 10 license-free boat cruises on the canals and rivers of France
  • The Canal du Midi by boat without a licence:advice and organization
  • Corsica by motorhome:itinerary, advice and organization
  • Can we mow on Sundays and public holidays? What the law says ? What hours?
  • Cutting a rosebush:when and how to take rosebush cuttings?
  • Long weekend in Berlin:10 must-see places and museums
  • Cycling when you are a senior:some safety rules to follow!
  • Playlist to dance at the 50th wedding anniversary (golden wedding) with 2 or 3 generations
  • Corsica:10 must-see places to visit for a magical stay
  • Should we believe in horoscopes?
  • Are electric scooters really suitable for seniors?
  • Learn a retired musical instrument:tips
  • Doing all or part of the Camino de Compostela after retirement:why, how?
  • 10 flowers for summer that will look great in pots or planters
  • Smartphone for seniors:3 points to check before buying
  • Homemade French toast recipe like my grandmother
  • Learning a foreign language after retirement:advice
  • Homemade chicken cordon bleu recipe like my grandmother
  • Homemade madeleines recipe like my grandmother
  • What are the favorite hobbies of seniors over 50?
  • Recipe for homemade chouquettes like my grandmother
  • Gentle gym for seniors:13 easy exercises to do at home
  • How to create an aromatic garden on a balcony?
  • Homemade pastry flan recipe like my grandmother
  • How to protect your personal data on the internet?
  • What sports for seniors can be practiced at home?
  • Old-fashioned veal blanquette recipe like my grandmother
  • Pancake batter recipe like my grandmother, to make with the grandchildren
  • How to terminate your Internet, television and telephone contract?
  • How do I report violent or shocking content on television or on the Internet?
  • How can I legally download films, music, etc., from the Internet?
  • House keeper or house sitting, a good plan for retired seniors
  • How to protect yourself from spam in your mailbox?
  • 5 ideas for outdoor activities to do with your grandchildren
  • Should I subscribe to the insurance offered when buying a smartphone or tablet?
  • Golden wedding anniversary:​​5 ideas to celebrate 50 years of marriage
  • 3 sun destinations to spend the winter in great shape
  • How to make an orchid bloom again ?
  • What are the favorite holiday destinations of retirees?
  • 5 family Christmas meal ideas
  • Christmas:the countdown has begun, the retroplanning of the preparation!
  • Nordic walking, a physical activity recommended for your health
  • Top 3 Central American destinations to visit when you are retired
  • Computer or tablet:where and how to learn when you are a senior?
  • Understand the usefulness of Facebook. Can you delete your account if you don't like it?
  • Up to what age can you play sports?
  • SNCF senior card, vermeil card:what reductions for taking the train?
  • 2 ideas for cruises in the sun to beat the gloom of winter
  • 3 thematic and original ideas for the Christmas meal
  • 3 famous singers who, at over 80, are still performing
  • Watering the garden during the summer, how to save water?
  • DIY, the perfect activity for retirees!
  • Third age clubs:outdated or dating opportunities?
  • How to choose a tablet suitable for seniors?
  • Forgotten vegetables to plant in the garden
  • When elderly people tell their life before
  • 3 physical activities recommended for seniors
  • 3 indoor activity ideas to do with your grandkids when it rains
  • Weekend idea for seniors:treat yourself to a thalasso in Brittany!
  • Which plants to install in a balcony planter?
  • Books full of hope for aging well
  • Stewed lentils with mustard
  • homemade chopsticks
  • vegetable tian
  • Autumn vegetable crumble
  • Bean cream with chervil
  • Potato salad with herbs and onions
  • Artichoke bottoms with goat cheese, the Charente specialty
  • Rutabaga gratin with chorizo
  • Hummus, Lebanese starter or small sauce for aperitif
  • Italian stuffing for poultry
  • Mauritian fried mine or fried noodles
  • Mauritian chicken barbecue
  • Iceberg savory tart
  • Savory Comté Waffles
  • Lentils with chorizo ​​and Espelette pepper
  • Beef stew with honey and fennel
  • gazpacho
  • Old fashioned minced beef
  • Golden potatoes au gratin
  • Cod fritters
  • Oriental salad with chickpeas
  • Pesto pasta salad
  • Wok-fried rice noodles
  • Wok of green vegetables
  • Rabbit with mustard
  • Asparagus sorbet
  • Spinach salad with strawberries and goat cheese
  • Paella, the Spanish dish
  • Sea sauerkraut
  • Fat-free stuffed tomatoes
  • Chicken fajitas
  • Beef kidneys in red wine
  • Candied peppers in aunt Jeanne's olive oil
  • Tapenade from the south
  • Zucchini stuffed with pine nuts
  • Bean salad with chorizo
  • Orange salad with radishes
  • Bananas with onions
  • Quinoa and leek gratin
  • Grilled pork with maple syrup
  • Walleye fillets and island sauce
  • Tender blue pear gratin
  • Sweet and savory wheat salad
  • Marinated salad and its ground vegetables
  • Grilled vermicelli soup
  • Surimi cake
  • Lamb stew with spring vegetables
  • Sausage and lentils marinated in Beaujolais
  • Roquefort filet mignon papillote
  • Salmon and asparagus cake
  • Spanish style veal
  • Turkey fillets with chocolate sauce
  • Bordeaux-style rib steaks
  • Carrot mousse in verrines
  • Button mushroom tart
  • Cauchoise style veal cutlets
  • Flamiche Picardy
  • Rabbit à la Tournaisienne (with beer)
  • Tatin tart with tomato and fine herbs
  • Ardèche Cove
  • Zucchini fritters
  • Fruity kohlrabi salad, sweet and salty freshness
  • Rooster in wine
  • Greek salad
  • Chickpea salad with mint
  • Sautéed Pork With Pineapple
  • carbonara pasta
  • Tomato pie
  • Pickled vegetables
  • Limousine hotpot
  • Gribiche sauce
  • Mouclad
  • Béchamel sauce
  • Mixed vegetable terrine
  • Gratin of christophines (chayotes)
  • Pistou - Basil sauce
  • Tzatziki, a sunny Greek starter
  • White pudding with chestnuts
  • Savory cake with rillettes
  • Pumpkin gratin
  • coconut chicken
  • Duck with olive
  • Tuna mousse
  • Vegetable soup
  • Ratatouille
  • Homemade mayonnaise
  • Bearnaise sauce
  • Wild boar pâté
  • Kofta couscous and merguez
  • Hops in the kitchen
  • Flat stomach objective:15 fat-burning recipes to adopt
  • Take cooking lessons with a great chef:it's possible!
  • 5 recipe ideas to make on the barbecue
  • What are the advantages of using a juice extractor in the kitchen?
  • 2 buffet ideas for a lunch in the garden
  • To what degree of temperature corresponds the thermostat of an oven?
  • Pork recipes for appetizers
  • Learn to make organic bread
  • Barbecue recipe ideas, for a change!
  • Cooking eggs, quite a program!
  • Save fruits and vegetables for the winter
  • Big Apple, the real taste of New York by Monica Trapaga
  • Focus on the Antarctic king crab
  • How to choose a meal tray?
  • Salma Hage's Lebanese cuisine
  • Pumpkins, squashes and pumpkins by Valérie Cupillard
  • Breakfast from the world of Julie Schwob
  • I cook all the rice! by Amandine Geers and Olivier Degorce
  • Dinner aperitifs
  • Recipes from grandmothers and their assortment of tricks
  • Family meal by Ferran Adrià
  • The cuisine of the Republic:Cook with your deputies! by Francoise Branget
  • Country kitchens by Julien Fouin
  • My easy and inexpensive cooking by Laurent Mariotte
  • Let's cook flowers by Pierrette Nardo
  • Modernist Kitchen
  • Breakfast:the meal not to be missed
  • Wok cooking
  • The benefits of strawberries
  • The secrets of a successful paella
  • Picnic:where and what to eat?
  • 5 fruits and vegetables a day:how and why?
  • Can seaweed be eaten?
  • Successful barbecue cooking, an art
  • Salads and sorbets:a fresh and balanced summer meal
  • The benefits of bananas
  • The benefits of cucumber
  • Eat well to pass your baccalaureate
  • Getting kids to eat vegetables
  • Tofu:favorite of vegetarians
  • The benefits of steam cooking
  • Love cooking by Martine Fallon
  • You are what you eat - You Are What You Eat
  • Receive your friends at a low price by Jean-Pierre Coffe and Laure Gasparotto
  • Master Chefs of France
  • The origin of the galette des rois and its recipe
  • Asian cooking at home
  • Where does the Yule log come from?
  • Decorating the Christmas table:some ideas
  • Quality kitchen utensils to prepare Christmas recipes
  • Find menu ideas for your Christmas meal
  • Work aperitif sleep...
  • Chocolate beef bourguignon:melts in the mouth
  • Crazy quiches:recipes and side dish ideas
  • Chocolate, pear and almonds:a perfect match

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